Bapeten's Working Visit to DPMPTSP of Banten Province in the Context of Collaboration to Accelerate Business Licensing
Kembali 28 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) BAPETEN made a working visit to the Office of the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Office of Banten Province on Friday, 28 October 2022. This activity is carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of supervision of the use of nuclear energy, especially in the licensing aspects of the use of ionizing radiation sources in the field of research and industry, in accordance with the mandate of Article 17 of Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning energy, Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, and Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing.

Present at this visit was the Director of DPFRZR BAPETEN Ishak, Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin and related officials. The visit of the BAPETEN team was received directly by the Head of DPMPTSP of Banten Province Virgojanti and related staff.

The event began with a presentation and presentation of the permit for the use of ionizing radiation sources by the Coordinator of the Mukhlisin Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group who conveyed the importance of collaboration between BAPETEN and DPMPTSP of Banten Province. The collaboration in question is related to licensing services, consultation and others so that it is expected to increase investment in Indonesia, especially in Banten Province.

imgkontenimgkontenThen continued with the remarks of the Head of DPMPTSP of Banten Province Virgojanti who expressed her appreciation to BAPETEN for visiting and hoped that the two parties would always coordinate in terms of accelerating the implementation, especially in the energy sector in Banten Province.

imgkontenimgkontenIn addition to delivering presentations, this working visit also held a discussion session and discussion of several topics related to cooperation in terms of socialization and technical guidance on licensing the use of nuclear energy to business owners in Banten Province so that later business owners will know more about business licensing in the energy sector.

At the final closing session, DPFRZR Director Ishak expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Banten Provincial DPMPTSP and all its staff for the warm welcome in receiving the BAPETEN Team's working visit. Ishak also conveyed BAPETEN's commitment in improving licensing services for the benefit of the community in order to support the ease of doing business in Indonesia.

It is hoped that this activity can make BAPETEN and DPMPTSP of Banten Province can continue to coordinate in the licensing service strategy for the use of ionizing radiation sources and collaborate in preparing an action plan for the implementation of accelerated business implementation in the energy sector, especially in Banten Province. (DPFRZR/Sugiarto/BHKK/OR/RA)

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