BAPETEN Participates in Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Agency Information Disclosure in 2023
Kembali 30 November 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to follow the series of stages of Monitoring and Evaluation for Information Disclosure of Public Agency in 2023, the Central Information Commission invited BAPETEN to carry out the next stage of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Information Disclosure of Public Agency in 2023, namely the presentation stage. BAPETEN took part in the presentation stage after meeting the passing grade requirements and was declared to have passed the presentation as a public test medium for innovation and strategies in implementing Public Information Openness (KIP).

The presentation was held on Thursday, 30 November 2023 in Jakarta, attended by all LPNK, Ministries, Universities and Provincial Governments who were declared to have passed the passing grade. In the presentation stage BAPETEN was represented by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo and accompanied by the Head Bereau of BureauBureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communications, Indra Gunawan. In the presentation "Management of BAPETEN Public Information Services" Sugeng explained the results of BAPETEN's KIP Monev and Evaluation in the previous 3 years which showed unsatisfactory results, and continued with a presentation regarding Electronic-Based Government System Innovation (SPBE) and action plans in developing Public Information Openness in BAPETEN.


BAPETEN is one of 195 public bodies that passed the public test. Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Donny Yoesgiantoro, at the opening of the public test and technical meeting previously stated that there were 372 Public Agency registered for the monitoring and evaluation of public information disclosure at the Central Information Commission in 2023. A total of 263 Public Agency have filled out the self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) and only 195 have passed the public test stage, namely Public Agency that have a passing grade SAQ score above 60.


After the presentation is complete, a question and answer session is carried out by the examiners to produce a score that will determine the final results of the 2023 Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Information Disclosure of Public Agency. This presentation stage will determine the value, category and compliance ranking of Public Agency in implementing Information Disclosure Public in 2023. [BHKK/OR/RB]


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