BAPETEN Leadership Working Visit to Nusa Cendana University, NTT
Kembali 14 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) Leadership, represented by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Haendra Subekti, together with Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials, Nur Syamsi Syam, and related staff, conducted a working visit to Nusa Cendana University (Undana) East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

The purpose of the visit was to introduce BAPETEN, provide information on the potential of nuclear energy, and pioneer cooperation in improving human resources, especially for Undana students and lecturers.

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The visit was received by all Deans of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Undana, Prof. Dr. Philiphi de Rozari, S.Si, M.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D., accompanied by Dr. Dra. Maria A. Kleden, M.Sc., Dr. Erich U.K. Maliwemu, S.T., M.T., Noni Banunaek, S.T., M.T., as the Coordinator of the Mining Engineering Study Program, and several related Undana teaching staff.

Prof. Philiphi, in his speech, said he was very grateful to BAPETEN for this visit. "With this visit from BAPETEN, it is hoped that it can increase collaboration and also increase our understanding of nuclear," he said.

"With this cooperation, Undana can be more confident in the future. However, in order for the form of cooperation between BAPETEN and Undana to be more concrete, it needs to be realized through the signing of an MoU by both parties. We hope that Undana students can do internships at BAPETEN," continued Prof. Philiphi.

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Meanwhile, BAPETEN's Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Haendra Subekti, said in his speech, "NTT is a province that is rarely visited by BAPETEN; therefore, we would like to thank Prof. and the ranks of lecturers who were able to attend; even all lecturers were able to attend in full," said Haendra.

Haendra added that BAPETEN was formed as a biological child of Law Number 10 of 1997 concerning nuclear energy with the main task of making regulations, providing permits related to the use of nuclear energy, and carrying out field inspections. The supervision of nuclear must be independent.

Regarding the cooperation offered by BAPETEN, Haendra explained, "The cooperation can be us who are called to NTT to give public lectures, either via Zoom or face-to-face, or Undana students who go directly to BAPETEN to take part in the internship program. Then, we also have a training program that can be followed by students or lecturers," he explained.

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Haendra further said that currently BAPETEN is developing participatory inspections, involving experts, and what has been done so far is cooperation with several agencies, such as the Ministry of Health and others. "It is possible that experts who have expertise from Undana will be involved in the participatory inspection. We are developing expertise; if there is a study related to mining and there is something that can be requested for analysis from Undana, then of course we will contact Undana, he said.

Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials Nur Syamsi Syam, on this occasion delivered a presentation entitled "Technical Visit to the Faculty of Science and Technology, Nusa Cendana University.".

Anci, as she is familiarly called, explained about the introduction of BAPETEN, energy and mining, and human resource capacity development. Anci also explained about the benefits and risks of nuclear energy, why supervision is needed, and supervision policy (Law 10/1997).

"As stated by the Deputy earlier, the use of nuclear energy has been widely used in various fields, and the most widely used in Indonesia is in the health sector, namely for diagnostics and therapy," he said.

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In Serpong, there is already radioisotope production, and it can be developed into radiopharmaceuticals for treatment. The use of nuclear in Indonesia is not only for health but also for industry, research, agriculture, food preservation, and others. "However, nuclear, in addition to its many benefits, also has great risks or dangers if not controlled properly. Therefore, in order for the use of nuclear energy to be safe, supervision is carried out by BAPETEN, as mandated by Law Number 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy," explained this Korean-graduated doctor.

Regarding the potential for cooperation with Undana, as a follow-up to the visit, it could be in the form of capacity building for Undana students and lecturers. "The form could be in the form of coaching/socialization to the community, research related to supervision and utilization of nuclear energy, public lectures, awareness/certification training, or guidance for research/student internships," he concluded.

During the question and answer and dialogue period, a visit was made to the Undana Mining Laboratory, and a dialogue was held again between Haendra Subekti and Undana lecturers. The dialogue was guided by Erich U.K. Maliwemu and Noni Banunaek. (BHKK/Bams/Translator: GP).

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