BAPETEN Embraces FMIPA UGM to Improve the Application of Information and Communication Technology for Energy Supervision
Kembali 24 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN strives to keep up with the times in carrying out the duties and functions of supervising the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia. To develop information and communication technology (ICT) in the licensing process through the BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System (BALIS). For this reason, BAPETEN embraces the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) through cooperation in the field of ICT development, marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement on Tuesday (24/05) in Yogyakarta.

This Cooperation Agreement was signed by the Executive Secretary BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo and the Dean of FMIPA UGM Kuwat Triyono. The scope of cooperation includes the formulation of policies in the field of ICT, expertise empowerment and the development of information system applications. The cooperation also includes various implementation plans for activities including the implementation of audits and assessments for a period of five years.



Triyono hopes that this cooperation can produce results and benefits for both parties. "We strongly support the cooperation between BAPETEN and FMIPA related to this information and communication technology. We hope that we can continue to develop this cooperation and can contribute to the nation and state, especially in the supervision of nuclear energy," he said.



Sugeng gave his support to UGM as an important partner of BAPETEN and said that UGM is a source of competence, supporting for BAPETEN not only in core business processes but also in other fields.

Furthermore, Sugeng also explained how the development of ICT in BAPETEN has been able to contribute to the implementation of BAPETEN's duties and supervisory functions. "Through BALIS, we introduced participatory supervision that involves the role of stakeholders. Balis has been rated by the IAEA as a best practice from Indonesia, who can be model by other countries". [BHKK/Yasser Ersyad/YL/OR/RA]

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