BAPETEN 1st Working Meeting for Fiscal Year 2024
Kembali 21 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The BAPETEN Working Meeting (Raker) is the institution's routine agenda for coordination to discuss matters relating to the implementation of the current year's work program and planning for the coming year. This is in accordance with the theme of this year's Raker, "Preparation of the 2025–2029 BAPETEN Strategic Plan and Implementation BAPETEN Performance Management System."

BAPETEN's 1st Working Meeting for Fiscal Year 2024 was held for two days on February 20–21, 2024, at the BAPETEN Auditorium which was attended by approximately 70 participants, consisting of Middle High Officials, Primary High Officials, Coordinators, and Sub-coordinators.

The first day of the event began with a report by the Head of the Planning, Information, and Finance Bureau, Achmad Bussamah. In his report, Abus, as he is familiarly called, said that this theme was chosen in accordance with this year being the final year for BAPETEN's Strategic Plan (Restra) 2020–2024.

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"So BAPETEN needs to re-arrange better strategic planning than the previous year's period to attain conditions of safety, security and peace, the health of workers and community members, as well as environmental protection," he said.

The working meeting was opened by the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his speech, he said that "it is hoped that this activity will be a step in improving the environmental monitoring system and national security, and nuclear preparedness, as well as developing performance systems in order to effectively achieve BAPETEN's vision and mission."

On the first day, the presentation of directions related to the "Technocratic Design Concept of BAPETEN Strategic Plan 2025-2029" was delivered by the Head of the Planning, Information and Finance Bureau (BPIK), Achmad Bussamah, which was then continued with "General Directions and Policies for Nuclear Supervision Towards the Energy Transition Era" by the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection, Zainal Arifin.

Furthermore, directions were given by the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN), Haendra Subekti, regarding the 2024 PKN Working Unit Performance Agreement and the 2025 Work Program Plan.

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On the second day of the working meeting, the 2024 PKN Nuclear Safety Assessment Deputy Working Unit Performance Agreement and the 2025 Work Program Plan, as well as the 5-year Performance Plan (2025-2029), were presented by the Director of Regulation of (RFRM) Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials, Mukhlisin, with the moderator being the Deputy for PKN, Haendra Subekti.

Regarding this presentation, the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN said that we will focus on study activities related to nuclear power plant (PLTN) preparation. Studies that are routine and long-term in nature should be transferred to technical units, "for example, Si-INTAN, whether it has been achieved or not. If it hasn’t, e.g., the data is still needed, but the time needs to be limited," he said.

"Don't feel like you've already given birth and are already grown up; then the further activities will be given to another work unit. Studies assignment assignments work that way," said Acting Chairman of BAPETEN.

A presentation on the 2024 Executive Secretary Working Unit Performance Agreement and the 2025 Work Program Plan was delivered by the Head of the Planning, Information, and Finance Bureau, Achmad Bussamah, with Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, as the moderator.

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Regarding this matter, Sugeng Sumbarjo said that there is only one theme of Executive Secretary concern, namely the focus on implementing bureaucratic reformation (RB), because in this RB there will be 25 indicators, and if they are implemented, it means they have carried out what they should.

Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin commented on the presentation of the Executive Secretary concern: "Executive Secretary is like the blood that flows in our bodies; payments in the form of salaries, electricity, and performance allowance are also there. Then the fuel for the pick-up car, has the routine budget been met," said Zainal. He also highlighted that RB must continue to be improved.

Meanwhile, PKN Deputy Haendra Subekti touched on BAPETEN's social media. "BAPETEN's social media posts are BAPETEN's front face; therefore, public relations can convey perceptions about BAPETEN through social media forums, but the hope is that the technical unit will also prepare the content," said Haendra.

"If we want other parties to visit BAPETEN (via social media), then the content must be prepared, especially now that BAPETEN is the only institution that bears the word nuclear," added Haendra.

Haendra further revealed, "Through social media, the activities carried out today can be broadcast immediately, but what business actors expect from BAPETEN is not like that. They hope that the permit processing scheme that has only been on the website can be posted on BAPETEN's social media so that easy infographics can be made," he said.

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"Or it could also be done live by the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection, explaining permits or inspections directly. In this case, it is necessary for the leaders to play a role; therefore, it is necessary to prepare small programs that are felt directly by the public," explained Haendra.

Responding to this social media concern, the Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communications requested that every employee from each working unit also like BAPETEN's posts on Instagram, Facebook, and X (Twitter). Because so far, there are only three or fewer likes. In fact, if just one fifth of BAPETEN's 500 employees gave likes, it would increase BAPETEN's social media engagement.

The final presentation was about the implementation of performance management, moderated by the Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communications, Indra Gunawan. Material related to work systems was delivered by Eko Legowo, and material regarding performance systems was delivered by Hendra Sugiarto.

The closing of the working meeting was carried out by the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the participants who had taken part since yesterday. "This working meeting is terrific because it is a means of communication and performance dialogue between work unit leaders and institutional leaders. "This working meeting produced a number of important notes which will be followed up through FGD," said the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, followed by saying thanks to Allah for officially closing the 2024 BAPETEN Raker-1. (Chika/Vania/Bams/GP/BHKK).

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