Workshop on Establishing Communication Strategy to build Public Confidence in Regulatory Body
Kembali 23 Februari 2016 | Berita BAPETEN

(Bandung, BAPETEN)- In an effort to increase human resources capability in communication, Indonesian Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hold a 5-day Workshop on Establishing Communication Strategy to build Public Confidence in Regulatory Body. This workshop is one of the coordinated activity under Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) - Communication Topical Group.

In the opening remarks, Course Director Mohammad Ridwan thanked IAEA for providing 3 experts in communication for this worskhop, namely Mr. Aurele Gervais–Canada/CNSC, Ms. Cassia Helena Pereira Lima–Brazil/CNEN, and Mr. Jean-Rene Jubin–IAEA Technical Officer. Held in Bandung at 22-26 Februari 2016, 15 staffs from BAPETEN, BATAN, National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources actively participated in the workshop.

Director of Legal, Public Relation, and Organizational Affairs Bureau Taruniyati Handayani later on stated, “this workshop is a pathway to better communicate with public regarding BAPETEN functions and responsibilities; it also serves as a forum to enhance knowledge to develop communication strategy to effectively support transparency and openness within regulatory body". Taruniyati reminded us, “President Joko Widodo couple weeks ago ordered government public relation officers to be more active and responsive in informing public regarding the government strategic programs and achievements in many sectors to further develop nation branding".

Meanwhile Jean underlined the importance of IAEA roles in assisting member state to develop safety infrastructure including communication and consultation with interested parties as stated in IAEA Fundamental Safety Principles (SF-1).


During 5 days, participants discuss several topics such as international and national perspectives on public information disclosure, roles and responsibilities of regulatory body, Canadian and Brazilian experience in dealing with public communication and media relations etc. It also discusses communication strategy as well as key factors for successful communication. [BHO/SP]




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