Workshop and Technical Guidance Self-Assessment Training on Bureaucratic Reform Implementation on Improving APIP Capabilities
Kembali 07 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Internal Auditors held a Workshop and Training on Self-Assessment of Bureaucratic Reform Implementation (PMPRB) and Technical Guidance on Improving the Capability of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) in Jakarta. The workshop and Technical Guidance was attended by the PMPRB Assessor Team, the Integrity Zone Internal Assessment Team, the Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Team (RB), APIP Representatives from 8 Ministry/Agency and APIP BAPETEN.

This event was held on 6-7 May 2021. On the first day it was filled with PMPRB Workshops and Training from Subordinate Policy Analysts Ministry of Utilization of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) Hangga Wicaksono and PMPRB 2020 material and RB2020-2024 Implementation Policy by Novan Kharisma Salainti. On the second day continued with Technical Guidance improvement of APIP capability by the Sub-coordinator of the Directorate of Supervision for Development of Science, Technology, and Bureaucratic Reform BPKP Denny Sundara and APIP capability improvement material in support of SPIP continued with simulation of APIP capability assessment by Yohanna R.F Hutauruk.



The workshop was opened by Head of Internal Auditors Hery Budi Santoso, he said "Institutional and bureaucratic reform aims to realize a reliable and modern bureaucratic institution. Therefore, the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform must continue to be improved to support the government in facing increasingly complex and dynamic challenges. So that government agencies are required to always perform and improve public services to the community". He added that APIP Capability is the ability to carry out supervisory tasks consisting of three interrelated elements, namely the capacity, authority, and competence of APIP Human Resources. This must be owned in order to realize the effective role of APIP as mandated in Government Regulation 60 of 2008 on SPIP.



Through this activity, participants can understand the process and stages of RB assessment and integrity zone, so they can input and submit values in a timely manner. And the end goal is to build RB continuously and can reach level 3 in full terms of APIP K / L Capability.[INSP/Anis/BHKK/Ra/Or]




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