Working Visit from the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials-BAPETEN to the Directorate of National Standards for Mechanics, Radiation and Biology Measurement Units-BSN
Kembali 30 Januari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Director of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), BAPETEN, made a visit and discussion with the Directorate of National Standards for Mechanics, Radiation and Biology Measurement Units, National Standardization Body (SNSU MRB BSN) on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. This visit was part of a working networking effort to implement and evaluate the Chairman of BAPETEN Regulation No. 1 of 2006 concerning Dosimetry Laboratories, Calibration of Radiation Measuring Instruments and Output of Therapeutic Radiation Sources, and Standardization of Radionuclides.

Director of DP2FRZR BAPETEN Mukhlisin stated in his opening statement that this visit to the SNSU BSN Directorate was the first visit, and it was expected that from this visit a general overview would be obtained regarding calibration services at the SNSU BSN Directorate and the potential for collaboration between BAPETEN and BSN to guarantee the implementation of calibration of radiation measuring instruments and output of therapeutic radiation sources as well as standardization of radionuclides in Indonesia.


The team from DP2FRZR was received by the Director of SNSU Mechanics, Radiation and Biology (MRB) BSN, Wahyu Purbowasito Setyo Waskito, and his team. In his speech, Wahyu said, "The main task of the SNSU MRB Directorate is to carry out the preparation and implementation of policies, evaluation, and reporting, as well as fulfilling international obligations in the field of managing national standards for units of measurement and traceability systems for mechanical, radiation, and biological measurements." To be able to provide calibration services for radiation measuring instruments and the output of therapeutic radiation sources as well as radionuclide standardization, the SNSU MRB Directorate is carrying out several preparation stages and has and will continue to coordinate with BAPETEN." Wahyu hopes that this service can be opened in the near future so that the calibration of Radiotherapy Aircraft Radiation output and radiation measuring instruments as well as radionuclide standardization are not hampered.


The existence of the SNSU MRB BSN Directorate is very important to ensure the calibration of radiation measuring instruments and the output of therapeutic radiation sources, as well as the standardization of radionuclides in Indonesia. One of them is to ensure external quality control of radiotherapy equipment regarding traceability of measurements of radiation output parameters as required in Government Regulation Number 45 of 2023 concerning Ionizing Radiation Safety and Security of Radioactive Materials.


The activity continued with a discussion session, which revealed several potentials for the development of calibration schemes for radiation measuring instruments and the output of therapeutic radiation sources, as well as the standardization of radionuclides in Indonesia through the development of the SNSU MRB BSN Directorate as a Primary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (LDSP), the development of a Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (LDSS), and Laboratory Tertiary Standard Dosimetry (LDST), as well as adjustments to related laws and regulations, such as the revision of BAPETEN Perka No. 1 of 2006. At the end of the visit, it was announced that a follow-up meeting and discussion would be held to discuss the follow-up to this initial meeting. (DP2FRZR/IMA/BHKK/OR/GP)

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