Wiwit, BAPETEN Inspiring Civil Apparatus (ASN)
Kembali 20 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

His full name is Muhammad Sujana Prawira, but is familiarly called Wiwit by his co-workers. His stature is large height with a face that is "kasep" said sundanese, equipped with a beard on his chin. "Sunah Rosul" he said once, when asked by his co-workers about his hobby of keeping this beard.

He was born and raised in Cianjur, a regency in West Java that is famous for its “soft” rice. After completing high school education, Wiwit majored in International Law at Lampung University in 2005 to 2009. Began serving as an ASN in the BAPETEN in 2009 at the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication.

After 8 years working at BAPETEN, Wiwit received a study assignment at the University of Bradford United Kingdom (UK) in 2017-2018. And upon his return at BAPETEN Wiwit was placed in the Legal Function Group of the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication. The same position, before he left for the UK.


His skill in issuing legal arguments is unquestioned. Therefore, Wiwit is often invited to accompany meetings to discuss regulatory issues both within Bapeten and outside Bapeten. Including also seconded as an expert witness in terms of law enforcement with the police when there is a case of violation of the law.

Wiwit also did not hesitate to receive legal consultations from Bapeten employees. For him the door is open 24 hours for Q&A and legal discussions, over the phone or chat. "Calculate the knowledge that I have, which is just a little of this, hopefully be a charity self reward for me," he said humbly.


Wiwit's considerable role was when he played an active role in the repatriation of ship crew (Bahar Rahmat) corpse in 2020, which happened to be a citizen of Cianjur. Wiwit as a representative of the family coordinated and sent a letter to the Indonesian Ambassador to Fiji Scott Carnadi to help lean the Chinese-flagged fishing boat that crossed Fijian territorial waters because there was a Indonesian national who passed away. Bahar Rahmat passed away of illness. In the end the deceased Bahar could be buried in the homeland.


Wiwit is also a good Muslim. The consequences of living as a Muslim he lived well, praying on time with congregations, regularly reading the Quran and other worship he always carried out with istiqomah. Wherever he goes always bring the mushaf of the Qur'an as a guide to the life as a Muslim. He had time to recite the Qur'an wherever he was, in between working hours, at dhuha time, finished praying in congregation and at other times.


Before the covid-19 pandemic, when he was traveling on the Commuter Line to Bogor Jakarta, he was often seen busy preaching in the car, when other people were busy playing smartphone or fast asleep. He was determined that "I should memorize the Qur'an several times at a time."

The man who became Bapeten Change Agent representing his work unit is always disciplined in working. He was never reprimanded for lack of working hours or violating other staffing rules. According to him, the discipline begins with us being disciplined in prayers 5 times, and is done in congregation in the mosque.


Therefore Wiwit tried to prayers on time anytime and anywhere, including when the meeting was taking place and the prayer call resounded the sign of entry to prayer time, he did not hesitate to leave the meeting room to perform congregational prayers. According to him, "Life is what the hell, just a moment, just waiting for Allah's call, prayer call" said Wiwit.

The knowledge that is pursuing, especially in the field of international law and also the obedience of worship does not make Wiwit haughty. He's having a relationship with his co-workers. He even tends to be humble. Even occasionally he goes to the office on a bike, "all look for sweat, get healthy," he said.


Behind the busyness of his service, Wiwit never forgets the togetherness with family. For him family is everything. The source of inspiration, the most beautiful source of tranquility and grace of the Almighty. Therefore, he often takes a leisurely walk with family at the end of the week or in other leisure time.

As ordinary humans like us, of course Wiwit also has many shortcomings, just depending on how we fix it. As the said "There is no ivory, no cracks." Hopefully a piece of the story about Wiwit, can be an inspiration for other BAPETEN employees. [BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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