Webinars Build Fun Online Learning
Kembali 22 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Along with the passage of online system training conducted due to the covid-19 pandemic, it is suspected that it is starting to cause saturation for participants and training teachers. Communication created is often only one direction from teachers, while trainees are more passive. Facing these obstacles, it takes innovation in the way of delivering materials that can motivate trainees to be more passionate and active in participating in training, so that even though training is done online, learning targets can be achieved.

Then, BAPETEN Education and Training Division held an online training teaching technique webinar with Fun Online Learning on 22 and 23 June 2021 by presenting reliable sources from the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN).



The Head of Education and Training Division (BDL) Lukman Hakim when giving a speech said that the purpose of this webinar is to provide additional expertise to teachers or prospective teachers in Bapeten environment in providing online learning to participants so that the learning atmosphere becomes more pleasant.

"Since the covid-19 pandemic, all training has changed 90% online, so this has changed our communication procedures. Therefore, how good communication online is important in teaching by utilizing IT technology, so that teaching materials can be conveyed to them well," he said.



This training was opened by Executive Secretary Sugeng Sumbarjo and was attended by 30 representatives of work units who were used to teaching in trainings conducted by BDL and / or prospective teaching employees who had participated in TOT training.

Sugeng welcomed the implementation of this training. "This activity is something that is good and deserves to be appreciated. Please be utilized, especially we invite professional sources from LAN. We say thank to the BDL and the speakers from LAN, we will learn from the experts" he said.



He further added that due to the pandemic, there are changes in our lifestyle, the way we communicate, the way we interact, how to learn and work. "The point is that a lot of things have changed in the last 2 years, everything uses digital, so now online learning is a must. Now it's very difficult to do 100% face-to-face learning and the only thing that can be 100% is online."

To the participants and speakers, Sugeng conveyed "happy learning for these 2 days and hopefully this fun learning is really fun and not boring".

After the opening, immediately continued with presentations from LAN, Sinta Dame Simanjuntak and Idha Saptawaty. Experienced speakers teach a variety of trainings including online training.



According to Sinta, the purpose of our learning is that participants can practice fun online training. "we will practice tomorrow through group division where each group will practice the fun learning method," he said.

In this learning process the point is we must be fun and must relax.

While according to Idha, "in these two days we will do the learning process, not just listen or deliver presentations. Learning and presentation are something different," she said.

Presentation is not tied to the achievement of learning goals, only communicates with tools to be demonstrated in lectures, conveys information without having responsibility whether participants already understand or not, there is interaction or not. In the presentation has no obligation to evaluate whether the material has been well received or not.

"While learning demands a change that is relatively permanent. We want participants to change and ensure that there is a change in the participants. These changes include knowledge, skills and attitudes" said Idha excitedly.

Indicators of change is whether the science increases, the skill and attitude becomes better.

From the public relations monitoring when covering this activity, it is clear that the implementation of this webinar is lively, cheerful and fun. Sources can bring this training very well in accordance with the theme "Fun Online Learning". Hopefully it can be contracted in the implementation of online training at BAPETEN. [BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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