Webinar on Writing Scientific Papers and Policy Briefs
Kembali 26 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR), held a webinar on writing scientific papers and policy briefs for participants from BAPETEN and the public on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, featuring two speakers, namely Associate Lecturer Choirul Anam, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) from Diponegoro University, and Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Desy Hariyati from the Universitas Indonesia.

Starting the activity, Haendra Subekti, as Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety and Assessment of BAPETEN, said that a scientific approach is mandatory in formulating various policies. Then, the policies of government agencies will later be assessed in the Policy Quality Index as one of the assessments of bureaucratic reform evaluation. And for information, in practice the Indonesian Diagnostic Guideline Level (TPDI) is also the result of collecting scientific data whose benefits must be felt by patients. As a final statement, Haendra hopes that this activity can initiate creativity and critical and comprehensive thinking and can solve scientific-based problems.


In the first session of the webinar, Choirul Anam delivered a presentation entitled Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers and was guided by moderator Endang Kurniasih from BAPETEN. In his presentation, Choirul explained, among other things, the definition, structure, and function of each section in a scientific document, then continued with writing methods, which include how to write, publish, and journal perspectives to writing correspondence to editors and additional tips for writing scientific documents.

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In the second session, Desy Hariyati, accompanied by moderator Rusmanto from BAPETEN, had the opportunity to deliver a presentation on writing a policy brief. The definition of a policy brief itself is a concise document that focuses on a particular issue that requires policy. In his explanation, Dessy outlined, among other things, the relationship between research results and policies, benefits, criteria, and things that need to be considered in the process of compiling a policy brief. Furthermore, the presentation was closed with an explanation of the outline and several examples of writing a policy brief.


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In the closing session, Rusmanto, who represented the Head of P2STPFRZR, expressed his gratitude and hoped that this webinar could provide additional knowledge, refresh, and foster enthusiasm for ideas in writing both scientific documents and policy briefs, the results of which can be utilized by the government and the general public. The presence of participants from various institutions, including ministries/institutions, hospitals, universities, and others, proves that this topic can be enjoyed by various groups. He added that similar webinars will be held routinely as a series of the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN) Seminar, which in 2024 will be held in September (BHKK/Ra/Translator: GP).

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Presentation materials can be downloaded at:

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