Webinar on Socialization of Management from the National Archival Information Network (JIKN)
Kembali 18 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Bureau of Organisation and General Services held a Webinar on Socialization of Management from the National Archival Information Network (JIKN) on Monday, 18 July 2022. This webinar was held to follow up on the registration of BAPETEN as a member of the JIKN node. JIKN is an information network system and a means of national archive services managed by the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) in the context of archival information services to the public.

The event was opened by the Head of Bureau of Organisation and General Services, Dedik Eko Sumargo, who said that ANRI as an archival institution has the authority to build a system and integrate JIKN infrastructure in accordance with Law 43 of 2009 concerning archives. "This JIKN is a node for the collective memory of the nation within the framework of a unitary state, for this reason, BAPETEN as a non-ministerial government institution also supports and succeeds JIKN as a national archival system, especially in terms of energy," said Dedik.



Present as spoke person, ANRI Associate Expert Archivist Muhammad Rustam who explained comprehensively about the background, policies, implementation, and helpdesk of JIKN to the webinar participants. "The trend of using the internet in the world and Indonesia is increasing, for this reason, technology-based archival information is needed, JIKN is made so that people everywhere can access certain information from various agencies that manage the information they are looking for," explained Rustam.


In his presentation, Rustam also explained several categories of archives in the JIKN system, namely Full Open Archives, Full Closed Archives, and Open Archives with Exceptions. "JIKN is one of the proofs of the implementation of the Open Government Initiative (OGI) in Indonesia," Rustam added.

In the webinar, which was moderated by the Head of the Protocol and Administration Section of BAPETEN Kuspriyanto, it was attended by invited participants representing several BAPETEN Work Units, namely the Coordinator of the Data and Information Function Group, the Coordinator of the Public Communication Function Group, the Coordinator of the Legal Function Group, the Coordinator of the Organization and Governance Function Group, the Head of the Protocol and Administration Section, the Head of the Administrative Subdivision,Head of the Administrative Subdivision of the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, and the Head of the Administrative Subdivision of the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection.



The event continued with a QnA session between the speakers and participants, then closed with a group photo session.


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