Webinar Dissemination of Technical Guidelines for The Determination and Application of Operational Phase Dose Limiters for Radiation Workers in Health Facilities
Kembali 21 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a "National Webinar on Dissemination of Technical Guidelines for the Determination and Application of Operational Phase Dose Limiters for Radiation Workers in Health Facilities" online through the zoom application and broadcasted live on youtube, Wednesday (21/10).

The webinar began with opening by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga. "Nuclear in addition, besides having benefits also has risks.Therefore, there must be a potential danger of radiation in Indonesia.This supervision is to ensure the safety, security, and safeguard for workers, the community, and the environment," Dahlia explained.

Furthermore, Dahlia added that participants are welcome to explore what will be conveyed by the speakersand discuss how to implement these technical guidelines.


Webinar continued with a material presentation by a speakers. The first presentation was presented by Sri Budi Utami as DP2FRZR Intermediate Radiation Supervisor with the title "Regulation related to Radiation Protection and Safety Optimization in Work Exposure".The second presentation "Technical Guidelines for The Determination and Implementation of Dose Limiters in the Facility Operation Stage" by P2STPFRZR Intermediate Radiation Supervisor Endang Kunarsih.


Technical guidelines have been published since 2017 and contain guidance and recommendations on determining and applying radiation worker dose limiters for operational stages in radiation facilities and radioactive sources.In 2020, a review was conducted to update the sources content contained in the guidelines in accordance with the development of regulations and their knowledge and ability for stakeholders.

imgkontenThe webinar was attended by more than 300 participants consisting of PPR, representatives of hospitals, educational institutions, and professional organizations.The enthusiasm of the participants was proved from the many questions asked to the speakers.With the dissemination related to this technical guideline, it is expected to facilitate users in setting the dose limiter value at the operational stage and apply the concept of dose limiting in an effort to optimize radiation protection for radiation workers in the facility.[BHKK/IP]





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