Verification of Radiotherapy Permit at RS Tk. III 03.06.01 Ciremai and Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo
Kembali 20 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources carried out radiotherapy operation permit verification activities in the field (onsite) at Tk. III Hospital 03.06.01 Ciremai Cirebon City and Santosa Hospital Kopo Bandung City who was carried out in parallel on 17-20 May 2022.

Verification as a condition of issuing permits aims to ensure that facilities, radiotherapy aircraft, supporting equipment, human resources, and procedures have met radiation safety requirements for the safety of workers, patients, society and the environment.

The Inspection Team chaired by the Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Ishak as the Head of the Inspector Team with members Herry Irawan (Young Inspector), Ahmad Maulana (Young Inspector), and Naufal Alif Syarifuddin (Auxiliary Inspector) verifying the True Beam Variant Linac Aircraft at Tk. III Hospital 03.06.01 Ciremai.



Meanwhile, the Inspection Team chaired by the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Group Iin Indartati as the Head of the Inspector Team to verify the Halcyon Variant Linac Aircraft at Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo, with members Maradi Abdillah (Internship Inspector), Yaya Umaya (Internship Inspector) and Lilis Misnawati (Auxiliary Inspector).



The two BAPETEN inspection teams were well received by the hospital and its staff. Remarks and assistance during the field verification activities were carried out by Major Ckm dr. Muchlas Fahmi, Sp.OG as Head of Tk. III Hospital 03.06.01 Ciremai, and dr. H. Rachim Dinata Marsidi, SpB., Finac., M.Kes as Director of Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo, where the implementation of field verification was carried out with health protocols according to government recommendations.

The scope of onsite examination includes the suitability of the design of the built-up facility and the adequacy of the radiation retaining thickness in the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main and supporting equipment, conducting exposure measurements and dosimetric testing and ensuring the patient flow and personnel's ability to operate the Linac aircraft according to standards.

From the results of the verification of radiotherapy surgery permits, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit.



The smoothness of the verification activities is supported by the Hospital who follow and welcome the course of the activity until the end. The existence of deficiencies is considered as input and technical advice on the fulfilment of radiation safety in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.

The Hospital hopes that radiotherapy will help the government in equitable distribution of health services to cancer patients in the Cirebon city area and surroundings so that cancer patients no longer need to go far to big cities to get radiotherapy services with a fairly long waiting time.

Meanwhile, for Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo, the existence of radiotherapy services will increase its status as a leading private hospital and the best choice in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/Bams]

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