Verification of Radiotherapy License at Regina Maris Hospital in Medan City and Nuclear Medicine at Gading Pluit Hospital in Jakarta City
Kembali 05 Maret 2025 | Berita BAPETENBAPETEN, through the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), conducted parallel verification activities for the Radiotherapy Facility at Regina Maris Hospital in Medan City, North Sumatra, and the Nuclear Medicine Facility at Gading Pluit Hospital in Jakarta City from March 3 to 5, 2025.
This activity aims to ensure that the availability of bunkers for radiotherapy and nuclear medicine is declared safe for workers, patients, the public, and the environment. The Verification Team ensures that the constructed design complies with safety standards through assessments of radiation shielding design calculations, main and supporting equipment, human resource competencies, and operational procedures. These cover radiotherapy operations using Linac and Brachytherapy, as well as Nuclear Medicine using PET-CT with F-18 FDG radiopharmaceutical sources, meeting radiation safety and source security requirements.
The BAPETEN inspection team conducting the verification of the Radiotherapy Facility at Regina Maris Hospital, Medan, was led by the Director of DPFRZR, Asep Saefullah Hermawan, with team members Ahmad Maulana and Maradi Abdillah. Meanwhile, the verification of the Nuclear Medicine Facility at Gading Pluit Hospital, Jakarta, was led by the Head of the Licensing Function Group for Health Facilities, Iin Indartati, with team members Naufal Alif Syarifuddin and Sulistiyoningsih.
The verification at the Regina Cancer Center, Regina Maris Hospital, involved a Linac machine from Elekta, Harmony Pro type, and a Brachytherapy machine from Elekta, Flexitron type, using Co-60 radioactive sources. For the Diagnostic In Vivo Nuclear Medicine Facility at Gading Integrated Cancer Care (GICC), Gading Pluit Hospital, Jakarta, the verification used a PET-CT machine from GE, Omni Legend type, utilizing F-18 FDG sources.
The scope of the onsite inspection includes document review and technical assessment of the compliance of the built facility design and the adequacy of radiation shielding thickness in the radiotherapy bunker. For the In Vivo Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Facility, the inspection covers the preparation room, radionuclide/radiopharmaceutical counting and storage room equipped with a fume hood according to standards, the room for administering radiopharmaceuticals to patients, the patient imaging room, the patient room after radiopharmaceutical administration, the decontamination room, the temporary storage and pre-disposal processing of radioactive waste, the patient waiting area after radiopharmaceutical administration, and a dedicated patient toilet after radiopharmaceutical administration.
Additionally, the inspection ensures the performance of main and supporting equipment, conducts radiation exposure measurements and dosimetry testing, verifies patient flow and personnel competency in operating the Linac, Brachytherapy, and PET-CT machines according to standards, and examines protective equipment, radioactive source security, and the performance of the radioactive source security system.
Based on the results of the verification of the radiotherapy and nuclear medicine operating licenses, the hospital is committed to addressing the findings presented by the BAPETEN team within a specified timeframe. The smooth execution of the verification process was supported by the hospital’s cooperation and positive reception throughout the activity. Any identified shortcomings are considered as input and technical recommendations for fulfilling radiation safety requirements in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.
As stated by the hospital, the operation of a comprehensive radiotherapy facility as a flagship service at Regina Maris Hospital in Medan is expected to make it easier for the community to receive cancer treatment without having to seek care abroad and to become one of the main referral centers for cancer patients in North Sumatra Province.
Additionally, the addition of a new PET-CT scan machine at Gading Integrated Cancer Care (GICC) of Gading Pluit Hospital in Jakarta will further enhance healthcare services and facilitate public access to the latest medical facilities without the need to go abroad (Dwiangesti/DPFRZR/RA/BHKK/TranslatorNA)
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