Verification and Validation of the 2024 Business Acceleration Performance Assessment
Kembali 26 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) received a visit from the Business Acceleration Performance Assessment Team, Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), in the context of the Verification and Validation of the 2024 Business Acceleration Performance Assessment (PPB or Percepatan Pelaksanaan Berusaha), which was held for two days on 25-26 June 2024.
The surveyor team was received directly by Acting Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, Director of the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) Ishak, and related BAPETEN staff.
From the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, there were four team members present, namely Surveyor Rindu Ferdina, Policy Material Compilers Kurniawan Sandi Widianto and Ika Nurlela, Technical Guidance Material Compiler Fera Indriany Sary, and from PT Surveyor Indonesia, Widya Sofatunnisa.
The activity was opened by the acting chairman of BAPETEN. In his speech, Sugeng said, "This is the 4th year BAPETEN has received an assessment from the Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). BAPETEN has learned a lot from previous years about what needs to be done in the assessment, and currently BAPETEN is ready to be assessed by the Ministry of Investment/BKPM. Several components that BAPETEN focuses on are the availability of service information, both regulations and SOPs that must be conveyed clearly".
Then continued with a presentation by Ishak with the theme "Implementation of Accelerated Business Implementation (PPB) at the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency in 2023" and discussed the Explanation of Supporting Data for Business Licensing Implementation Items, Explanation of Supporting Data for Simplifying Business Licensing Items, Explanation of Supporting Data for Improving the Investment Climate, and BAPETEN's Achievements in the Implementation of Business Licensing. After the presentation was finished, the event continued with a discussion related to the Submission of Supporting Evidence for Independent Assessments on the Acceleration of Business Implementation.
The second day of this activity began with the delivery of a resume by surveyor Rindu Ferdina Lestari. “The series of assessments has been carried out. There are several corrections that can be fixed immediately. All supporting documents have been obtained and are complete. The next process is a re-check by BKPM of everything that has been checked by the surveyor. This is to ensure that the assessment is carried out correctly. Then a random test is carried out, which is an important assessment to be able to enter the nominee”.
Then a discussion and Q&A were held regarding the verification of the performance assessment of the acceleration of business implementation.
The activity was continued with the process of issuing and submitting the Minutes of Verification and Validation of Independent Filling for the Performance Assessment of the Acceleration of Business Implementation of the Ministry/Institution of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency.
Closing the activity, Ishak expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the assessment team from BKPM and the surveyor team and hoped that BAPETEN's efforts in trying to support and implement policies set by the government, especially in accelerating business implementation, can be implemented properly and consistently. [BHKK/OR/YL/Translator: GP]
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