Utilization of the Balis Electronic Inspection and Report Management System (SMILE) Application for Nuclear Reactor Safety Monitoring in Indonesia
Kembali 08 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

From February 26 to March 8, 2024, BAPETEN conducted non-power reactor safety inspections at three research reactors in Indonesia: the Yogyakarta Kartini Reactor, the Bandung Triga 2000 Reactor, and the G.A. Multi-Purpose Reactor Siwabessy Serpong. Inspections are conducted to ensure that nuclear installations and installations that use ionizing radiation meet licensing requirements and statutory regulations in the field of nuclear safety. Inspections cover a variety of safety topics, including operational aspects, radiation protection, maintenance and aging management, and nuclear preparedness.

This inspection activity is carried out through several stages: an opening meeting (entry meeting) to convey the purpose of the inspection, the agenda of the inspection team, the scope of inspection, and an outline of previous inspection findings; examination of documents, including procedures, SOPs, and records; field verification to ensure conformity of the SOP with implementation in the field; confirmation of the results of document inspection and field verification; and ends with a closing meeting (exit meeting) to present the results of the inspection that has been carried out.

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This inspection differed slightly from previous inspections in that it used the Balis Inspection Management System and Electronic Reports (SMILE) application as a tool to carry out the inspection. The use of Balis SMILE in inspection activities brings several benefits, including increasing the effectiveness of inspection implementation considering that the application has been integrated with other monitoring data such as permit and worker data; inspection implementation can be documented more systematically; the value of the facility's safety performance can be immediately known after the inspection is completed; and increasing the transparency of the results of monitoring and safety of nuclear facilities based on information systems.

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The entire recording inspection process is carried out using Balis SMILE, with all parameters being input in real-time by the facility, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the recording inspection process by inspectors. Balis SMILE is also used to complete the Inspection Results Form (FIHI) and observe the results. Inspection activities produce Inspection Result Reports (LHI) and Safety Performance Indicator Values (IKK) for each facility, which can be obtained directly.

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In general, the results of the inspections revealed that all reactors could continue to operate safely. However, there are still some issues that reactor management should address in order to improve the reactor's safety performance. [DIIBN/Winda Sarmita/BHKK/AQ/GP]

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