Trilateral Meeting of the Nuclear Energy Bill
Kembali 03 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate Nuclear Installation and Materials Regulation (DP2IBN) held a Trilateral Meeting between the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency , BAPETEN and BATAN on Thursday (04/29/21) to discuss the substance of the Draft Law on Nuclear Energy (RUUK).

The meeting conducted offline and online, Bapeten wasrepresented by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga accompanied by the Head of the work units, among DP2IBN, DP2FRZR, DIFRZR, DPFRZR, BHKKP, P2STPIBN, P2STPFRZR. While from BATAN was led by Suryantoro as Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Energy Technology, accompanied by Yarianto, Jupiter S, and Sumarbagiono, and from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology attended by the Head of Law Affairs and Organization Development Bureau Ardhien Nissa.


In the direction Dahlia conveyed that the authority of each institution as to be regulated in this Bill must be respected, it is necessary to complete discussions related to mining issues and related to the clearing and technology audits must be in harmony with the SISNAS IPTEK Law.

Suryantoro conveyed that the need to reorganize the existing arrangements in Law 10 Year 1997 on Nuclear Energy, related to technology issues and dynamics of nuclear energy utilization, and there must be an interview related to the issue of clearing and technology auditing.


Head of Law Affairs and Organization Development Bureau from Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency conveyed the latest information related to the merger of the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture that the RUUK initiative is still waiting for the legal of the merging from two ministries.

The event was continued with a presentation related to the progress of the RUUK delivered by the Director of DP2IBN Haendra Subekti. In the exposure was conveyed related to the synchronization arrangement between Authorization and Licensing, Implementation of Science and Technology.


The event continued with a discussion and QnA session to agree on the substance arrangements in the RUUK. [Rommy/DP2IBN/BHKK/OR/RA]

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