Trilateral Coordination Meeting of The Nuclear Bill
Kembali 03 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) as a ministry that coordinates BAPETEN and BATAN on Wednesday (3/03) held a trilateral coordination meeting (rakor) with the leadership of BAPETEN and BATAN to discuss the Nuclear Resources Bill.

The coordination meeting that discussed the issue of licensing efforts in the authorization of nuclear energy was led directly by the Secretary of The Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Mego Pinandito, accompanied by the Head of Law and Organization Bureau of The Ministry of Research and Technology / BRIN Ardhien Nissa and Head of data and information center Andika Fajar.


In this meeting, the Bapeten Ranks are led by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga accompanied by Haendra Subekti, Djoko Hari Nugroho, and Indra Gunawan. While BATAN is led by Suryantoro as Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Energy Technology, accompanied by Heru Umbara, Yarianto, and Jupiter S.


Mego explained that with the issuance of Law No.11 year 2020 on Omnibus Law (UU Cipta Kerja) which then followed by the enactment of Goverment Regulation (PP) No.5 Year 2021 on The Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing (PP NSPK), matters related to licensing in the Nuclear Technology Bill must also be adjusted to the 2(two) laws and regulations.


" The Ministry of Research and Technology / BRIN as the initiator of the Nuclear Resources Bill should be able to convey clearly to The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the House of Representatives will be related to the authorization of this nuclear energy" he said.

At this meeting Dahlia explained that there are several things in the Omnibus Law and its derivatives must be aligned with the authorization commonly known in nuclear ancesprudence, especially as introduced internationally by the IAEA.

While BATAN through Suryantoro explained the attitude to bring up the authorization approach is that nuclear activities that have a low risk do not become "over-regulated". So that nuclear ancestenance can be more social and maximized its benefits for the wider community.

The meeting took place warmly, with interesting discussions from the meeting participants agreed that Nuclear Rights Bill should be in line with Omnibus Law and its implementing regulations despite the need for hard work and not easy. (DP2IBN/Manda/BHKK/Bams/RA/OR)

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