Training on Drafting Laws and Regulations
Kembali 13 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Training on the Preparation of Laws and Regulations, using BAPETEN learning methods carried out by combining conventional education systems with digital-based education systems (blended learning).

The event began with a report from the Head of Education and Training Division, Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, he said that this training was carried out online and offline, in the first week there will be a presentation and in the 2nd week it will be carried out with a workshop system. This training is included in the 3rd quadrant in the BAPETEN competency standard, namely in technical competence in increasing supervision of the use of nuclear energy.


The training was opened by the Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, she said "As supervisors, our staff must have competence in drafting regulations or developing regulations in the field of energy, based on the duties and functions of Law Number 10 of 1997. The technical sources and legal drafting refers to Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Laws and Regulations, which starts from the formation, from the planning stage to the development of draft laws and regulations. With the development of well-managed competencies, it is hoped that staff can do their work in accordance with the expected quality."

“For certain cases in the regulations we take the example of ready-made regulations, their shortcomings or in accordance with their SOPs. Regulatory requirements that can be implemented properly by all stakeholders are not easy, to compile regulations is not easy, if we compile regulations there are 2 things that must be mastered. Firstly legal drafting based on the law and SOPs, second is technical problems that must be mastered as well. Although friends in the field of Law are very difficult to master technical understandings; ranging starting from nuclear, radioactive to other technical terms, but we must learn. Same as, technical friends who also do not understand the preparation of legal drafts. This is a challenge for collaboration from technical and legal in drafting laws and regulations from every stage, from planning to promulgation." Added.



"Harmonization is also a stage that is no less important, because harmonization must be faced with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This trainer is expected to be a very useful experience, especially in addition to Bureau of Legal Affairs. It is hoped that all participants can participate well, for the advancement of our regulations in the future both in terms of quality, and everything that can be implemented by stakeholders." she said.

The training was held on 13-24 June 2022, was attended by 36 participants representing various work units within BAPETEN.



The event continued with presentations and exercises in the preparation of laws and regulations, including presentations on Pancasila Values in the Formation of PUU, Human Rights Perspectives, Understanding of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of PUU, Constitutional Basics, Harmonizing, rounding and strengthening the conception of the PUU Draft, Framework of Thought and Preparation of Academic Manuscripts, Formulation of Criminal Sanctions and Administrative Sanctions, Response Preparation ExercisesRuu/RPP/Rperpres, R.Perban Response Preparation Exercise and Quasi-Determination Legislation Preparation Exercise. [BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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