The Second Phase of Radiation Protection and Safety Training
Kembali 27 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As the implementation of Government Regulation no. 33 of 2007 concerning Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Security of Radioactive Sources which states that Permit Holders are required to improve the capabilities of personnel working in facilities or installations through education and training on radiation protection and safety, BAPETEN holds Radiation Protection and Safety Training (PKR) for Radiology Installation Workers Interventions for Phase II which will be carried out online, from 27 June to 1 July 2022.

Head of Subdivision for Implementation and Training Facilities of BAPETEN Education and Training Center (Badiklat), Umul Khair in her report said that the purpose of this training was to provide radiation knowledge and the basics of radiation protection and safety as well as its application in supporting radiation workers to carry out services at intervention facilities.

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Furthermore, Umul Khair reported that 38 participants participated in this training, consisting of 24 specialist doctors and 14 other medical personnels.

“This training will last for 5 days until 1 July, and on the last day there will be an exam that all participants must take. Participants who do not pass are still allowed to take part in the remedial one time,” he continued.

The event was opened by the Head of the Education and Training Center, Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryafin. In his speech Ciptadi said that nuclear technology is currently developing widely and the benefits can be felt by the community, but there are risks and dangers that must be watched out for.

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“Besides the great benefits, there are risks that we must know and how to overcome them. For this reason, the implementation of this training is expected to increase knowledge and insight related to nuclear and radiation, so that in the end we can use nuclear power for the welfare of society by minimizing the risks of nuclear technology," he explained.

"We hope that you can gain sufficient knowledge that can be used in their daily work, and that you can become our extensions to provide supervision on nuclear matters to the public," he continued.

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And finally, Ciptadi opened the training while saying the words "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, so we officially open the training".

In this training, participants will be given materials on: Radiation Protection and Safety Policy, Legislation, Radiation Physics Fundamentals, Radiation Measuring Instruments, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiation Biological Effects, Radiation Protection Basics and several other important materials. (BHKK/Bams)

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