The Increased Cooperation of BAPETEN with Sebelas Maret University (UNS)
Kembali 28 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to strengthen capacity building for all staff at Regulatory Assessment Centre for System and Technology in Nuclear Installation and Materials (P2STPIBN) and in an effort to anticipate the construction of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) in Indonesia, P2STPIBN held a series of activities at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo on 27 and 28 May 2021, for the improvement of cooperation for both parties.

These activities include exploring the potential cooperation between P2STPIBN and the UNS Civil Engineering Study Program and the evaluation of the implementation of cooperation agreements with UNS.

1. Exploration of potential cooperation between P2STPIBN and UNS Civil Engineering Study Program

P2STPIBN considers it necessary to cooperate with the University as a partner in site evaluation activities. UNS is considered capable and qualified to be appointed as a technical support organization (TSO) in conducting site evaluation, especially in the field of seismicity and geotechnical.

At the first day, the meeting between P2STPIBN BAPETEN and UNS Civil Engineering Study Program, Reno Alamsyah as a representative of BAPETEN conveyed the important role of BAPETEN in carrying out safety, security and safeguards supervision in the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia through regulatory processes, licensing and inspection.

According to Reno, it is necessary to do initial mapping related to the potential of teaching staff in Civil Engineering UNS including competence, software, expertise, and others. Likewise the capabilities possessed by BAPETEN, such as have own software.


Meanwhile, UNS Smart Quake Program Senot Sangaji explained about the importance of building design based on the principle of Performance based requirement engineering, namely the risk of a building calculated including political risk, social risk, economic risk. "The design of the building can be optimized to determine the lifetime of the building based on the level of importance of its use," he said.

In the next session Akhmad Muktaf Haifani explained the importance of the stage from site evaluation in terms of seismicity and geotechnical systematically including the definition of the fault as part of determining the safety of prospective NPP sites in Indonesia.


From the results of discussions with UNS sources showed some of the necessary competencies in supporting the evaluation stage of the NPP site. This is supported by evidence and the existence of supporting facilities, including research from Civil Engineering on Radiation Retaining Concrete and the availability of supporting software. UNS also has disaster studies centers: policy products, disaster studies. When a nuclear leak is directed to the Center for Disaster Studies.

2. Evaluation of the implementation of cooperation agreements with UNS

At the opening of the second day Head of P2STPIBN Judi Pramono conveyed the need for closer cooperation between BAPETEN and UNS, to produce post-Cooperation Output. "There are some sharper efforts so that some factors can be optimized. BAPETEN hopes that the University will become a Technical Support Organization (TSO) for the supervisory body. So that it will prove as an effort of the nation's independence in anticipating the era of NPP” he said.

In his presentation Azizul Khakim presented about the Cooperation program between UNS and P2STPIBN including by providing technical guidance on numerical calculations for RSG GAS in Serpong.


"The cooperation program with UNS includes guidance of undergraduate students, student internships at BAPETEN, Bapeten Head Public Lecture, joint use of infrastructure facilities, use of HPC (High Personal Computing), holding joint seminars, publication of joint scientific works, Mitra Bestari and Radiation Protection Training (PPR). This cooperation evaluation is carried out to assess how optimally this Cooperation Agreement has been done," Aizul explained.

Head of Legal, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau (BHKK) Indra Gunawan conveyed the role of BHKK which includes three main points, namely legal aspects, cooperation and public communication as the core of its business. "It is a challenge in positioning the face of the Institution as a professional and independent supervisory body. However, related to the implementation of this cooperation, BHKK acts as a technical support bureau of its administration," he said.


The Dean of FMIPA UNS Suharjana said alluded again to the previous Cooperation Agreement signed 11 March 2016 by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Ahmad and Dean of FMIPA UNS. The cooperation covers four scopes including: human resource development, empowerment of experts, joint publication, use of facilities and infrastructure.(P2STPIBN/Muktaf/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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