The Inauguration and Oath-Taking of Functional Officials and Government Employees with Work Agreements
Kembali 21 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) Number 1589 of 2024 concerning the Appointment of Functional Officials within the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency dated May 20, 2024, the Inauguration and Oath-Taking of 8 Functional Officials and 33 Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The Inauguration and Oath-Taking were led by the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, witnessed by the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Zainal Arifin and the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment of BAPETEN Haendra Subekti, as well as several high-ranking officials within BAPETEN who were present in person.

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The Acting Chairman of BAPETEN congratulated the employees who were inaugurated and occupy the functional positions and PPPK of BAPETEN. "I congratulate you on your assignment to the Functional Position and BAPETEN PPPK," said the Acting Chairman in his speech.

Furthermore, it was conveyed regarding the BAPETEN duties and functions, which include the main tasks consisting of the preparation of regulations, issuing permits, and implementing inspections on the safety, security, and safeguards aspects. Then there is technical support, which includes nuclear assessment and preparedness, as well as institutional support in the form of personnel administration, finance, facilities, infrastructure, and human resource development. As well as internal supervision, training, and public relations. Legal Assistance, ICT, and Performance Management.

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Furthermore, it was also explained regarding BAPETEN's future challenges and ASN Performance Measurement (SKP). "Planning, implementation, evaluation, and assessment of BAPETEN employee performance by utilizing the Todolist application. The assessment consists of the work result rating and performance behavior rating, where the work behavior rating gets a higher weighting than the work result rating (60%)," he said.

In his speech, he also explained about work behavior that follows ASN values, namely moral, service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative. The Acting Chairman explained one by one what elements are included in each category of ASN BerAKHLAK.

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Based on the Decree of the Chairman of BAPETEN Number 1589 of 2024, the following are the names of the employees who were inaugurated along with their positions:

1.Dian Septikasari, S.T., M.TI.

Pranata Komputer Ahli Madya

2.Angga Kautsar, S.T., M.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Madya

3.Hermawan Puji Yuwana, S.T., M.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda

4.I Made Ardana, M.Sc.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda

5.Dwi Susanti, S.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda

6.Toni Wahyu Pamungkas, S.Si

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda

7.Dendi Junaidi, S.T., M.Eng

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

8.Suryati, S.AP

Analis Pengelolaan Keuangan APBN Ahli Pertama

9.Ade Hanna Natalia, S.Pd, M.Si

Widyaiswara Ahli Pertama

10.Susi Purnama Sari, M.Pd

Widyaiswara Ahli Pertama

11.Christian Denny Mahardika, S.H

Analis Hukum Ahlli Pertama

12.Glend Pradana, S.E

Pranata Hubungan Masyarakat Ahli Pertama

13.Denny Aprianto, S.Sos

Pranata Hubungan Masyarakat Ahli Pertama

14.Gusti Purnama Sari, S.Kom

Pranata Komputer Ahli Pertama

15.Mutiara Fitri Tasir, S.Tr.Kom.

Pranata Komputer Ahli Pertama

16.Dewi Lanita Sari, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

17.Luthfy Dzikrillah Hanindi Alfaqih Mas-Udi, S.Si.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

18.Enrico Willmanda Febriardy, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

19.Hari Asmoko, S.Si.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

20.Amalia Cipta Trikusuma, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

21.Ilham Ramadhan Alqadrie, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

22.Nafiah, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

23.Rizka Ayu Puspita, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

24.Tiwi Ulvia Agista, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

25.Frilia Elfani Putri, S.Si.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

26.Sheila Amalia, S.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

27.Denada Alvionita, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

28.Said Wigo Ardiyatno, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

29.Afina Khoirunnisa, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

30.Mochamad Alvin Erdyansyah, S.Tr.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

31.Elina Putri Anugrah, S.Si.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

32.Ratri Nuraini, S.Si.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

33.Dewi Novitasari, S.ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

34.Dheyas Nanda Imesta, S.T.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

35.Adam Wibuana Anang Gadiva, S. ST.

Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama

36.Anisa Ayu Aninditia, S.Kom.I

Arsiparis Ahli Pertama

37.Nurmalita, S.E.

Arsiparis Ahli Pertama

38.Linda Lestari, A.Md.

Arsiparis Terampil

39.Desti Pujanggi Putri, A.Md.

Arsiparis Terampil

40.Andika Putra Utama, A.Md.S.I.Ak.

Arsiparis Terampil

41.Tiarma Elizabeth Butarbutar, A.Md.

Arsiparis Terampil

(BHKK/Bams/Yul/Translator: GP)

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