The 8th Annual Meeting ASEANTOM 2021
Kembali 09 Juli 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order for regulators to exchange information and experiences related to nuclear on best practices, enhance cooperation and develop capacity in three aspects, namely safety, security, and nuclear protection in the ASEAN region, this year, Brunei Darussalam as Chair of ASEANTOM 2021, held "The 8th Annual Meeting of ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM)".

The meeting began with remarks from the Director of Legal and Compliance Division, Ministry of Energy of Brunei Darussalam, Mohammad Nizam Bin Haji Ismi. In his speech, he said, “The use of nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes is very important for the progress of countries in the ASEAN region. Utilization of technology can help reduce poverty and hunger, increase energy supply, treat non-communicable diseases such as cancer, respond to food security problems caused by climate change, and much more. However, applying technology to maximize a significant contribution to a country's health, social, and economy can be challenging".

“Supervision of its use for human and environmental safety is not a small task. This is the main reason for the ASEANTOM formed, to increase surveillance activities in strengthening nuclear safety, safeguard, and security in the ASEAN region,” he added.


The event was opened by the Director of the Radiation Department, The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA), Zubaidah Binti Hj. Mahmud, as Chair of ASEANTOM 2021. In her opening remarks conveyed, “Thank you to ASEANTOM member countries for the support to Brunei Darussalam as Chair of the Annual Meeting, this year. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of cooperation projects with ASEANTOM partners, including the RAS9077 project, EC-ASEAN Regional Project (DSS), EC-ASEANTOM Regional Project (EWRMN), EU-INSC, and several projects under the IAEA Nuclear Security Division”.

"In addition, the meeting also serves as a forum for reviewing the ASEANTOM Work Plan for the 5-year period (2019-2023), and discussing plans for cooperation with supervisory bodies and research institutes of the Indian government," she explained.

The meeting, which was held virtually on 5-9 July 2021, was filled with presentations from ASEANTOM cooperation partners, such as the IAEA, EC, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (ROK) regarding the progress of activities under ongoing projects, as well as presentation of all participants from member countries.

The meeting was attended by dialogue partners from the European Commission and the Republic of Korea, IAEA, ASEC and several sectoral bodies of ASEAN, such as ACE and NEC-SSN, as well as delegates from ASEAN member countries, namely Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, including the delegation from Indonesia which was chaired by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment of BAPETEN Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, also the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness of BAPETEN Zulkarnain and the Director of Inspection for Nuclear Installation and Materials of BAPETEN Amil Mardha as the delegation member.


On that occasion, the Chairman of the Indonesian Delegation, Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, conveyed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on surveillance activities, reflection on the implementation of the ASEANTOM activities that planned, and input on the expected output.

On the 3rd and 4th days, discussions were also held regarding the draft of ASEAN-US MoU, the ASEAN-India cooperation proposal, the concept note of TWG, and the draft ASEAN Protocol for Preparedness and Response to Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, as well as discussions regarding the request for The State of Timor Leste, to be involved in capacity building of ASEANTOM activities, not in policy/decision-making activities (non-policy meetings).

This meeting importance and strategic for Indonesia, especially BAPETEN, to determine and take a role at the regional level in order to encourage cooperation within the ASEAN community in the field of nuclear power control to ensure mutual safety and security. [BHKK/Deni/SP/IP/RA]




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