The 2nd Focus Group Discussion on Determination of the I-DRL for Mammography and Dental Radiography Modalities
Kembali 03 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR), held a follow-up Focus Group Discussion (FGD) online on April 3, 2024, to discuss the results of the analysis of patient dose data on mammography and dental radiography X-ray examinations proposed to be the 2024 Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (I-DRL) value.

I-DRL is one of the main tools in implementing and realizing optimization of radiation protection and safety for patients in health care facilities. The I-DRL value will later become an indicator for hospitals or clinics to optimally implement dose audits on diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology patient examinations as well as diagnostic nuclear medicine.

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The FGD activity was officially opened by the Head of P2STPFRZR and guided by Endang Kunarsih as the head of the activity implementation team. Endang said that the purpose of this FGD was to discuss and agree on the proposed values to become I-DRL in mammography and dental radiography. The results of the analysis and proposed I-DRL values at this event were presented by Ida Bagus Putra Pratama. With this joint discussion, it is hoped that the proposed values can be applied in health facilities that use mammography and dental radiography.

imgkontenThe FGD participants who attended were representatives of stakeholders, namely the Indonesian Dermatologist and Venerologist Association (PDSRI), Indonesian Dental Radiology Association (IKARGI), Indonesian Medical Physicists Alliance (AFISMI), Indonesian Radiographers Association (PARI), and Research on Nuclear Safety, Metrology, and Quality Technology—National Research and Innovation Agency (PRTKMRMN-BRIN), as well as representatives of educational institutions, namely the University of Indonesia, Diponegoro University, Semarang Polytechnic of Health, and Jakarta Polytechnic of Health. All representatives of the stakeholders who attended this FGD expressed their positive support and agreed to the proposed I-DRL values. As a follow-up to this FGD, the agreed I-DRL values will be processed into a BAPETEN Head Decree and will then be officially launched on April 24, 2024. [P2STPFRZR/Herman/BHKK/CD/GP]

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