Technical Guidance on Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB)
Kembali 23 April 2021 | Berita BAPETENThe Inspectorate of BAPETEN held an online Technical Guidance (Bimtek) on Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB) in 2021, on Friday (23/04).
The event was opened by the Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso. In his opening remarks, He explained that this Bimtek was aimed as a strategy to build RB and the Integrity Zone (ZI) properly and sustainably, in order to get the maximum value of RB and ZI, as well as giving knowledge to the PMPRB of BAPETEN Team to facilitate the Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform.
The event continued with presentation by the Sub-Coordinator of Supervision Policy Formulation, Canggih Hangga Wicaksana, on “Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform” and technical guidance for filling out LKE in the PMPRB application. This Bimtek ended with question and answer session. [Insp/Anis/BHKK/RA/IP]