BAPETEN as a regulatory agency realizes the importance to continuously improve quality and effectiveness of monitoring the utilization of nuclear energy. The study can be a reference in developing comprehensive and accommodative surveillance procedures.
Therefore, BAPETEN conducts Technical Guidance on Data Processing Analysis by Statistical Method. The event was held online by inviting speakers from Diponegoro University, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Moch.Abdul Mukid, S.Si, M.Si
Technical guidance followed by representatives from several work units in BAPETEN is planned to hold 4 meetings every Monday and Thursday, from September 28, 2020 to October 8, 2020.
This technical guidance system uses material delivery methods and accompanied by practice of data analysis using computer statistics applications. The statistical application used a computer program that functions to help in processing statistical data precisely and quickly, as well as producing various outputs desired by decision makers.
Some of the materials presented in this technical guidance are: sample selection techniques and statistical analysis methods (sampling and data exploration techniques), hypothesis tests against averages and proportions, ANOVA, registry analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis.[P2STPFRZR/Herman/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]
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