Technical Development of Licensing System for Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources of RBA OSS System in Palembang, South Sumatra
Kembali 05 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Technical Development on the Licensing System for the Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources of the RBA OSS System on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 in Palembang, South Sumatra. The Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR), Ishak, opened the event and conveyed "Development of a Licensing System for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP)" which includes information on the construction of integrity zones towards Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM). Ishak also conveyed BAPETEN's commitment to participate in the government's efforts to eradicate corruption by implementing an Anti-Corruption Culture in the BAPETEN Environment, one form of implementation is to carry out Gratification Control.

This event was attended by the Government Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Service (DPMPTSP), Palembang City represented by Sumantri who gave a speech and Epi Eryanto who made a presentation with the theme "Implementation of Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach Licensing in South Sumatra Province".


Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin also delivered a presentation on "Technical Provisions for Licensing of Industrial and Research Facilities". Mukhlisin discussed "Application for energy sector permits through the OSS-RBA system, steps for applying for PB UMKU permits through OSS, import, transfer and re-export provisions, reporting, returning SRP and HS Code".

In this guidance, BAPETEN also provides OSS-RBA Licensing Consultation Services of the Ministry of Investment / BKPM and Consultation on Balis Online 2.5 BAPETEN Permit Applications to Agencies of Business Owners and Non-Business Owners.


This coaching event was attended by 51 participants from 22 representatives from Business Owners and Non-Business Owners. In this coaching activity, the 2022 Bureaucratic Reform Assessment Survey was also carried out to assess the perception of corruption and the perception of service quality in accordance with the RB Regulation Number 90 of 2021.


Ishak when closing the event appreciated the participants who were very enthusiastic and active, appreciation to the leaders of the agencies who had given the opportunity to the participants so that they could take part in this event. "We also thank you for the proposals and inputs provided at this event and this is a form of stakeholder involvement for us in reviewing procedures or others to always improve the Licensing services of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources so that they always get better in a sustainable manner," said Ishak. (Sunarya/DPFRZR/Ra/OR/BHKK)

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