Technical Coaching in Radiation Protection and Surveillance of TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material)
Kembali 16 Agustus 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Materials (NIM) of BAPETEN organized a technical coaching for Radiation Protection and Surveillance of TENORM on 7-8 August in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

This technical coaching was attended by Staff or Civil Servant Investigators from Environmental Department of Bangka Belitung Province and Environmental Department of all districts/cities in Bangka Belitung, and also Mine Inspectors of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources serving in Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangka Belitung Province.

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In his opening remarks, Director of Licensing for NIM Budi Rohman asserted the urgency of TENORM surveillance especially for areas producing mine materials like tins and zircons.

The technical training started after the opening remarks, with presentations from Evin Yuliati about Nuclear Rules and Regulations Regarding TENORM, Tino Sawaldi Adi Nugroho with presentation about Radiation Physics, and also Sinta Tri Hapsari presenting about Basics of Radiation Protection.

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On the second day, materials presented are Introduction of TENORM by Shanthy Dhamayanthy, Radiation Effects by Bhakti Dwi Yoga, and also Radiation Measuring Instrument by Sugiyanto.

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Also organized in the technical coaching was a table top practice using the the radiation measuring instruments with radiation exposure measurement, contamination level measurement, radiation shield usage and distance effect, radiation source detection and radionuclide identification moduls.

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All participant welcome the training enthusiastically, as well as the Environmental Department and Energy and Mineral Resources Department, and hoping the cooperation in TENORM surveillance in Bangka Belitung would be continued.


At the end of the organizers symbolically handed certificates to the representatives from Environmental Department and Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangka Belitung Province. [DPIBN/YOGA/BHKK/BAM]

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