Survey on Implementation Level of BAPETEN Guidelines and Regulations
Kembali 30 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to improve government services, the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) is involved in the formulation and preparation of applicable and efficient nuclear legislation. This year, the Directorate of Regulatory for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Mineral (DP2FRZR)-BAPETEN conducted an evaluation of laws and regulations that had been issued to determine their applicability and constraints.

This survey is an activity of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), so that the formulation of laws and regulations can be effective and efficient. Evaluation was carried out on several Regulations of the Head of BAPETEN, namely Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 4/2003 concerning Protection and Safety of Radiation in the Utilization of Nuclear Energy; BAPETEN Regulation No. 7/2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Industrial Radiographic Equipment, as amended by Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 8/2014 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 7/2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Industrial Radiographic Equipment; and Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 2/2018 concerning Conformity Test for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Aircraft.


The online survey was conducted using a link for questionnaire who was sent by official electronic letter to PPR as a representative of utilization facility. For now, the process of obtaining information regarding the implementation constraints and users opinion about BAPETEN Guidelines was carried out on BAPETEN's Regulation No. 4/2013, Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 7/2009, and Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 8/2014. If BAPETEN's guidelines N0. 4/2013 is aimed at respondents in all utilization facilities, respondents for cases regarding industrial radiography are conducted only to users in the industrial radiography field. The number of respondents to Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 4/2013 is more than 4,000 data, meanwhile for Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 8/2014 is more than 100 data.

The data will be evaluated and analyzed to obtain information on constraints in implementing regulations. The survey was conducted on external and internal of BAPETEN's stakeholders. This year, the process of getting input was carried out with open questionnaire to all stakeholder. Filling the questionnaire for Regulation of the Head of BAPETEN No. 4/2013 is expected to be completed on 10 August 2020.

In this activity, several alternative arrangements will be conducted. These options include, whether a regulation needs to be revised or changed, whether a regulation needs to be made in the higher level, or whether nothing needs to be done to the regulation, so that the results obtained in this evaluation process have gone through the process of analysis and considering input from stakeholders. [DP2FRZR/Vatimah/BHKK/SP]




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