Summary of Key Issues and Technical Recommendations at SKN 2021
Kembali 04 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The following is a Summary of Key Issues and Technical Recommendations to Provide Solutions delivered by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga on the closing of the 2021 Nuclear Safety Seminar, on Wednesday (08/04/2021).

From the 65 papers presented today, there are 7 (seven) major issues that come up, namely:

1.Supervisory and Work Culture;

2.Supervision of TENORM, NORM, and MORC (materials out of regulatory control);

3.Construction of Dosimetry Laboratory;

4.Use of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Field of Health;

5.Object of Supervision;

6.Implementation of BAPETEN Main Tasks (regulations, licensing, inspections); and

7.Public Communication service and Cooperation

On the 7 main issues, seminar participants provide technical recommendations that need to be followed up by BAPETEN together with relevant stakeholders, namely:

A.Technical recommendations for issues of Supervisory Culture and Work Culture:

1.Special policies are needed to be able to maintain and develop a culture of supervision in a sustainable manner; and

2.The development of the work culture of Kemenpan-RB needs to be implemented immediately (heritage culture and newcomers, both can complement each other).

B.Technical recommendations for TENORM, NORM, and MORC (materials out of regulatory control) issues

1.BAPETEN needs to set a reference level for radon because until now there has been no regulation for the determination of such values;

2.BAPETEN needs to create guidelines to regulate the management and utilization of TENORM waste;

3.BAPETEN needs to draft or initiate legislation and strengthen MORC surveillance infrastructure in Indonesia; and

4.Aspects of supervision for non-expediency activities, including radiation safety with regard to the public (certain material materials, natural conditions in certain areas) need to be of concern.

C.Technical recommendations for the issue of Dosimetry Laboratory Development

1.BAPETEN needs to encourage the availability of dosimetry laboratory infrastructure for personnel dose monitoring (such as for neutron and eye lens monitoring), and enhance the role of coaching to uniformize calibration and dose measurement methods, intercompetition to dosimetry laboratories as a consequence of BAPETEN's role in laboratory appointments.

D.Technical recommendations for the issue of The Use of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Field of Health

1.Arrangements are required regarding personnel or individuals involved as volunteers in biomedical research on the use of ionizing radiation sources (nuclear medicine), for example in the case of the determination and implementation of dose constraints;

2.Guidelines or regulations are necessary as a reference for patient release;

3.Strengthening radiation protection and safety optimization on medical exposure through the implementation of national DRL (Diagnostic Reference Level) in health facilities needs to be prioritized, one of which is to see trends in implementing patient radiation protection optimization in hospitals and clinics;

4.Dosimetry audit of radiotherapy activities needs to be carried out, for example for patient dose accuracy and optimization of patient radiation protection; and

5.Criteria and procedures are needed to strengthen DRL implementation supervision.

E.Technical recommendations for issues related to Object of Supervision

1.RPM arrangements based on IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards need to be developed;

2.Research on Topaz needs to be conducted independently from BAPETEN;

3.Revision of BAPETEN regulations related to the safety of non-governmental reactor aging management becomes an important and urgent thing to do; and

4.There needs to be attention to the factors that cause reactors to scram frequently.

F.Technical Recommendations for Bapeten main task implementation issues (regulations, licensing, inspections)

1.Identification of BAPETEN services that require artificial intelligence for all BAPETEN activities needs to be initiated;

2.The policy on the criteria for the acceptance /rejection of IAEA safeguards inspectors to be assigned to Indonesia needs to be made as a form of manifestation of Indonesia's freedom as a sovereign state;

3.BAPETEN needs to create a special strategy in the implementation of inspections, including SOP and the legality of the implementation of online inspections during the Covid-19 Pandemic; and

4.BAPETEN needs to create a roadmap for studies related to FRZR emergencies, technological developments in the field of medicine, industry, and R&D.

G.Technical recommendations for public communication and cooperation issues

1.SOP are required for public communication services in case of emergency;

2.It is necessary to improve the pattern of public communication in terms of technical supervision of electricity.

3.The role and involvement of external stakeholders (universities, professional organizations, institutions, K/L) needs to be improved to provide support for supervision;

4.High-level coordination between the Chairman of BAPETEN and the Chairman of BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) needs to be initiated, which includes:

a.coordination with ministries and institutions that have been identified in the OTDNN (National Emergency Response Organization); and

b.integration and synchronization of OTDNN into BNPB command structure, using an all-hazard approach integrated in accordance with BNPB's command structure. [BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

Jakarta, 4 August 2021

Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment-BAPETEN,

Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga

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