Socialization the Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Majalengka
Kembali 20 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

As a supervisory agency, BAPETEN not only oversees the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, but BAPETEN also has a strategic program, namely institutional socialization. The purpose of socialization is to convey information about BAPETEN so it built the accommodative relationships and also build the importance existence of nuclear energy supervisory agencies for the safety of the community. That will be formed awareness, public perception of nuclear energy precisely and correctly.

Socialization with the theme "Dissemination from Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Indonesia" is carried out for good coordination and cooperation between BAPETEN and DPR-RI. Socialization activities are carried out in all provinces in Indonesia. This time, socialization was held in Majalengka, West Java and received a positive response from the peoples, Monday (20/09).


The event was opened by Commission VII of the DPR H. Nurhasan Zaidi, he said "Who was present at this event in Majalengka, from the elements of teachers and students who have forward insight, so hearing the word nuclear is certainly not surprised. And apparently, in 2020 from Majalengka received an award from BAPETEN, the Award for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Activities and Radiation Protection Officers at RSUD Majalengka."

"Nuclear is an incredible science going forward. Majalengka is like a hidden pearl. For that, we have to pursue the heirs of science and technology. Majalengka is also a city of heroes, it is hoped that in the future the next generation can take history this time, becoming a technological hero." He added.

The event continued with a speech by Representative Ministry of Religious Affairs Majalengka H. Heru Haerudin, he said "actually I usually represent youth not as elders, because the age is old so it can no longer be a representative as a youth."


"If we talk about nuclear, what is in our imagination is a bomb, in the explosions of 6 and 16 August 1945, it is said that the atomic bomb in Japan was only taken from the formula E = MC2. When in fact there is no technology without danger or accidents, such as aircraft, cars and even motorcycles, so I don't think we should be anti-nuclear, because nuclear talk is a lot of useful areas such as industrial, health and energy. Although we are not anti-nuclear, we must know the dangers of nuclear, so we can remain vigilant. Let us remain vigilant, to be literate for nuclear knowledge." He said.

The event continued with a presentation by BAPETEN Public Communication Coordinator Abdul Qohhar, he conveyed about "Supervision of Energy Utilization by BAPETEN in carrying out its duties. About the task of monitoring the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia, through Regulations, License and Inspections. The implementation of supervision through regulations has been done by making a number of regulations."


The event, which was held on Monday, 20 September 2021, was attended by 50 participants. At the end of the presentation there was a discussion, Q&A and hospitality to strengthen cooperation in the field of nuclear knowledge. [BHKK/SP/IP/OR/RA]

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