Socialization and FGD Of Participatory Based Inspection System Balis, SMILE
Kembali 19 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection implementation and simplify permit holders making a reports, today Bapeten has launced and socialized a digital participatory inspection system called Electronic Inspection and Report Management System (SMILE) conducted online and offline, in Yogyakarta on Thursday (19/11).

Present at this event, Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Plt.Executive Secretary Indra Gunawan, Director of Inspection for Nuclear Installation and Materials Amil Mardha and Head Organization Planning, Information and Finance Bureau Sugeng Sumbarjo. While from Batan, Chaiman of Batan Anhar Riza Antariksawan, Deputy of Nuclear Energy Technology represented by the Head Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology Agus Sumaryanto and Plt.Head of Accelerator Technology Science Center Umar Saiful.


Zainal Arifin said that the purpose of the implementation of IT-based and participatory supervision using SMILE application among is to ensure the safety of reactors based on safe operation by the operator, improve effectiveness, efficiency of inspection implementation and facilitate / simplify the creation of operating reports, promoting an increasing safety culture in facilities, as well as fostering public confidence in safe and secure nuclear activities.


For the successful use of SMILE application Zainal expects the support from various participants so that the utilization of nuclear energy is safe and secure, "the successful participatory inspection of the use of the Balis SMILE application can not run alone, of course it requires support and commitment from the stakeholeders, permit holders, we expect this meeting there is constructive input / discussion in order to achieve the improvement quality of the implementation of nuclear energy utilization activities by using an effective and efficient Smile Balis to achieve safe and safe nuclear installation operations and trusted by the public and also useful for the advancement of the nation and country" he said.


Meanwhile, Chairman of BAPETEN during the soft launching of Balis SMILE as well as opening the socialization event and Forum Discussion Group said that Bapeten has been committed to a comprehensive digital transformation including the construction of surveillance systems, "the commitment is paying off, in addition to the increasing application of e-government needs that we build, and thank God in 2018 the Government recognizes by awarding us the first best award LPNK for SPBE" he said

"Digital transformation continues and today attended by Chairman of Batan, and the leadership of Batan, we can conduct Socialization and FGD as well as soft launching of participatory inspection system that we refer to as SMILE (inspection management system and electronic report)" Jazi said.

On this occasion, Chairman of Batan congratulated and appreciated the launch of Balis SMILE, "the name of this application is very good, SMILE hopefully describes our mood that is always smile, although at the moment our smiles are not visible because we all wear masks" he said


"With SMILE hopefully can improve the performance of Bapeten in the supervision of nuclear energy so that it remains guaranteed the existence of 3S, safety, security and safeguard. Hopefully this application can be applied well, continue to be developed and Batan open ourselves to discuss with Bapeten" concluded Anhar [BHKK / Bams/RA/OR]




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