Signing of Integrity Pact and Ratification of RISK-Based PKPT Inspectorate of BAPETEN in 2021
Kembali 25 Januari 2021 | Berita BAPETENThe implementation of the integrity pact is a form of prevention and eradication of corruption in the implementation of government. The 3 main keys in the prevention and eradication of corruption are integrity, transparency and accountability. The event was held on Thursday, 21 January 2021, followed by all employees of the Inspectorate of Bapeten.
The event was preceded by report from the Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso as the head of APIP Bapeten who reported "the existence of the Inspectorate as the Integrity Shoot in Bapeten, an example for other Bapeten work units and employees. Indeed, the signing of an integrity pact is only a formality and does not automatically make an institution more transparent and accountable if it is not followed by the integrity of its implementing apparatus."
The event was opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, he said "it is expected that the Inspectorate remains vibrant, performing and continues to develop innovations and use IT in carrying out the task of overseeing accountability and as a third-layer defense fortress of organizational risk management.
"It is an important factor in doing the work, especially in the implementation of assurance tasks carried out by the Inspectorate, so that anomalies that occur can be found immediately, followed up quickly, precisely, effectively and efficiently." He Added.
it is expected that the signing of this Integrity Pact will bring changes in the performance of all employees of the Bapeten Inspectorate. [Ins/Ridwan/BHKK/SP/RA/OR]