Services and Consultation on Licensing Utilization of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Facilities in Banten Province
Kembali 02 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

To provide guidance and consultation directly to permit applicants related to Fulfillment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through Online Single Submission (OSS) with Balis 2.5. Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) BAPETEN conducted licensing services and consultations, in South Tangerang City, Prov. Banten, on April 1-2, 2024.

The event began with remarks from the Health Service Quality Sub Coordinator of the South Tangerang City Health Office, Banten Province Erly, in his remarks said "In the South Tangerang City Health Office area there are 30 hospitals which all have radiology units and 400 clinics, 10 of which have radiology services".

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He added "This opportunity is a facility that can be used to extend licenses at BAPETEN and take care of new licenses. Hopefully, with this event, licensing will be more orderly, because everything must have a license as legality. In the near future, the South Tangerang City Regional Laboratory will also apply for a license to BAPETEN because there will be radiology services here."

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The event was opened by the Director of DPFRZR BAPETEN Ishak, in his opening remarks said "This meeting is in the context of implementing technical guidance and licensing services for the utilization of ionizing radiation in the health sector. Licensing Consultation Services in South Tangerang City, Prov. Banten, is part of the mindset of collaboration, coordination and cooperation between government institutions to be able to provide services to the community."

He added "This technical guidance activity is a regular activity carried out, the main objective is to provide convenience in providing services, to help how licensing requirements can be met. BAPETEN is mandated to be able to ensure requirements in accordance with safety standards and safety provisions so that ionizing radiation in the facility is safe, by conducting a licensing process. In this licensing process, we BAPETEN, the Health Office and the Facility Owner are both implementing the provisions of the legislation".

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"It is hoped that this meeting can provide benefits, the licensing of participants can be completed because at this meeting BAPETEN licensing evaluators are present. So that they can communicate directly and eventually the licensing requirements are understood and the permit can be issued in 2 days."

This Licensing Service and Consultation invited 48 agencies consisting of Hospitals, Health Centers, Clinics and Private Practices in Banten Province and surrounding areas, which were attended by participants according to invitations and additional participants from agencies from other regions who were in the licensing process.

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On the first day, participants were briefed on "Licensing System for Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Health Sector (Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology)" by the Director of DPFRZR and Licensing Services.

On the second day, participants were briefed on "Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Diagnostic and/or Interventional Radiology Permit Requirements Documents" by Radiation Supervisor Ahmad Maulana, briefing on "Socialization of Licensing Mechanisms through Balis 2.5 Integrated with Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS-RBA) by Radiation Supervisor Maradi Abdillah, and Licensing Services.

During the 2nd-day implementation of the Consultation and Licensing Service for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-ray Aircraft, at the South Tangerang City Health Office, there were 46 incoming registration applications from 36 agencies according to business locations, with the results of the evaluation assessment having met the requirements as much as:

- 20 X-ray Aircraft data

- 4 KTUN changes due to additional personnel

with the final status of issuance of KTUN or notification of fees that must be paid with a 30-day due date for KTUN to be issued. [BHKK/SP/CD)

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