Safeguards Annual Review Meeting with IAEA Inspectors
Kembali 10 Agustus 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

As a form of Indonesia's commitment to the use of nuclear materials for peaceful purposes, Indonesia is ready to accept IAEA inspectors in the framework of Physical Inspection Verification (PIV) to several nuclear facilities, as well as hold a routine annual meeting between BAPETEN and the IAEA, namely the Safeguards Annual Review Meeting. This meeting was held in the Meeting Room on the 4th Floor of BAPETEN Building, Monday (10/08). According to the attendance, Emil Farkas as IAEA Safeguards Country Officer for Indonesia and Jean Lindstrom as a member.

This year's PIV was held on August 5 - 14, 2020 in several Material Balance Areas (MBA), namely MBA RI-A (PSTNT-Bandung), MBA RI-C (PRSG and PT. INUKI Gedung 10), MBA RI-G (PTLR) ), and MBA RI-E (IEBE-PTBBN).

The meeting was opened by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin. In his remarks, Zainal said that Indonesia's commitment, especially BAPETEN, was to implement additional safeguards agreements and protocols, including readiness to accept conduct of verification and monitoring activities by IAEA inspectors amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

"BAPETEN also continues to implement 3S (Safety, Security and Safeguards) synergy in the scope of monitoring the use of nuclear power," continued Zainal.


Indonesia's commitment to safeguards is also shown by Indonesia's involvement in the APSN (Asia Pacific Safeguards Network) forum as one of the Steering Committee countries that encourages the implementation of safeguards in the Asia Pacific region, where Indonesia is the chair of the APSN for the 2019 - 2020 period and has organized the 10th APSN annual meeting 2019 in Bali.

Furthermore, the IAEA delivered a conclusion through the Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR) for the implementation of safeguards in 2019 that there was no indication of misuse of nuclear material that had been declared from nuclear activity for peaceful purposes and no indication of nuclear material and activities related to nuclear fuel recycling that were not declared . In addition, the broader conclusion for Indonesia in 2019 is that all nuclear material used remains for peaceful purposes.

From this regular meeting, it is hoped that safeguards implementation in Indonesia can continue to be improved. The meeting, which was attended by the coordinator of safeguards inspection organizers, as well as staff at the sub-division for safeguards inspection, was held by implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19. [DIIBN/Deshinta/BHKK/IP]





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