RSG-GAS Operating License Renewal Webinar
Kembali 13 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

As the implementation of Law No. 30 of 2014 on Government Administration, and related to the process of extending the operating license of Multipurpose Reactor–Gerrit Augustinus Siwabessy (RSG-GAS). Therefore, BAPETEN held a "Technical Socialization of Interested Parties for the Process of Extension of RSG-GAS Operating License", on Friday, 13November 2020.

The event was started by a report from Director of Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Materials Budi Rohman who reported "the purpose of this socialization in order to provide information to interested parties with the extension of RSG-GAS permits including people living close to the reactor, can be informed related to the licensing process. It is expected that all relevant parties can obtain the correct information and are confident that the reactors in operation will run safely, as they have gone through a long and detailed licensing process, in accordance with applicable regulations and safety principles."


The event was opened by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and InspectionZainal Arifin who said "The extension of RSG-GAS license as the largest reactor in Southeast Asia that has been operating for 33 years, is certainly a pride for Indonesia. The last Batan Indah incident was a valuable lesson for all of us in the development of nuclear technology."


"Services in the use of nuclear reactors are certainly not only the reactors, but the byproducts and supporting facilities.RSG-GAS which has a power of 30 Mega Watts is very important to be considered for safety” he said.

The event was continued with a presentation on "Supervision of Nuclear Energy Installations and Materials" by Director of Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Materials Budi Rohman, and"Licensing of Non-power Reactors" by Coordinator of Reactor Licensing and Nuclear Materials Wiryono, and "Extension of RSG-GAS permit" radiation supervisor Madya Rahmat Edi Herianto.


The webinar moderated by Ade Awalludin was held on Friday, November 13, 2020.The event used several online applications to facilitate hundreds of participants, among from Bapeten, Batan, Hospitals, Universities and Communities.[BHKK/SP/RA/OR]




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