Review of the Draft Law (Bill) of the Electricity with IAEA
Kembali 01 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten held a meeting on the 2nd Day from the Discussion Meeting of the Draft Law (RUU) of the Electricity with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 1 June 2021 virtually. The speakers were present from the Office of Legal Affair (OLA) – IAEA Abdelmadjid Cherf and Sylvain.

This review is a long series from the process of making the Electricity Bill in Indonesia, and will be an invaluable input for the improvement and refinement of the Draft Law.



The event was opened by Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materialls (DP2IBN) Haendra Subekti and guided by Anthony Wetherall from the International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA). The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C Sinaga, she gave a view on safety requirements on activities related to nuclear material "certain personnel working on activities related to Nuclear Materials should be obtain a work permit where qualifications and certifications are from Bapeten".



Abdelmajid said "there are differences in terminology in the draft that must be harmonized in the use of the words reactor nuclear, nuclear power plan, and nuclear installation for energy generation that must be considered and can cause differences in meaning and consistency in the design made". Sylvain added "Safeguard is mentioned in several draft chapters, it is recommended to be used in 1 chapter and the use of the term nuclear energy does not matter."

Haendra appreciated the invitees from Indonesia who continued to follow the event during the national holiday. Haendra also said the discussion meeting on the 2nd day will discuss each of the 4 (four) chapters in the first and second sessions contained in the Draft Law.

The activity in collaboration with the IAEA Office of Legal Affair (OLA) was attended by 19 participants from BAPETEN, BPHN, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Education Culture-Research and Technology / BRIN, and BATAN. Discussions will continue on the 3rd (third) day to get maximum results.



The results will be valuable input and correction in the process of drafting, which will then be discussed in the drafting team of the Draft Law involving the relevant Ministry / Institution. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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