Radiotherapy License Verification at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Kembali 15 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) conducted an onsite Radiotherapy Operating License Verification at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, on 12-15 December 2022. Verification as a requirement for license issuance aims to ensure that facilities, radiotherapy aircraft, supporting equipment, human resources, documents and procedures have met radiation safety requirements for the safety of workers, patients, the community and the environment.

The Inspection Team led by the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Group Iin Indartati with members Ahmad Maulana, Maradi Abdillah, Yaya Umaya and Dwi Angestiningsih verified the modality of the Accuray brand Radixact X9 type Tomotherapy Aircraft. The Inspection Team was well received by the management, namely the Director of Medical, Nursing and Support Services Sumariyono, who in his speech said "Verification of the license requirements for the new Radixact Tomotherapy aircraft replaces the previous Tomotherapy, to provide the best and modern services with precision and accuracy with the best quality and minimum side effects. BAPETEN has provided support because the RSCM services provided have been effective and safe and have not caused harm to others."

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Assistance during field verification activities is carried out by the Radiation Oncology Team. The field verification was carried out with health protocols as recommended by the government.

The scope of the onsite inspection includes the suitability of the design of the built facilities and the sufficiency of the radiation barrier thickness of the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and dosimetry testing and ensuring patient flow and the ability of personnel to operate the Tomotherapy aircraft according to standards.

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From the results of this verification, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The smooth running of the verification activities was supported by the Hospital who followed and welcomed the activities until the end, any shortcomings were considered as input and technical advice on the fulfilment of radiation safety following applicable regulations and standards. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/OR/Da/RA]

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