Public Consultation on the Preparation of the Urgency Manuscript for the Revision of the BAPETEN Regulation Number 5 of 2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Radioactive Sources for Well Logging
Kembali 29 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The preparation of the urgency manuscript is an important process in the preparation of laws and regulations. Public consultation is the initial stage to identify the provisions that will be contained in the drafted regulations. In the preparation of the urgency script, it is very important to involve the affected parties, namely stakeholders utilizing ionizing radiation sources. BAPETEN needs to listen, views and inputs on the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation No. 5 of 2009, concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Radioactive Sources for Well Logging.

For this reason, BAPETEN held a public consultation activity in Cirebon, West Java. By inviting stakeholders from the holders of permits to use ionizing radiation sources for well logging, relevant ministries and institutions, academics, client companies as well as professional associations. The event aims to discuss, exchange views and solicit input from stakeholders, to create more qualified and applicable regulations in particular, and for the effectiveness of energy oversight in general.

imgkontenimgkontenThe event, which was held hybridly on Friday, 27 July 2022, was attended by 17 offline participants and around 54 online participants. The event was filled with various presentations regarding the direction of development from laws and regulations in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive sources and the urgency manuscript of the Revision of the BAPETEN Regulation Number 5 of 2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Radioactive Sources for Well Logging.

imgkontenimgkontenThe presentation began on "Direction of Development of Laws and Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources" by Plh Director of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) BAPETEN Aris Sanyoto and a presentation on "Preparation of Urgency Manuscripts" of BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Diella Ayudhya Susanti.

imgkontenimgkontenIn the discussion session, participants wanted better and clearer regulations regarding source leakage test requirements, transport approvals, neutron absorbing layer requirements, and provisions if the source could not be removed from the drilled well (source lost).

imgkontenPublic consultation followed by a visit to PT. Elnusa, which is a wellbore data recording service company for PT. Pertamina. During the field visit, the regulatory drafting team obtained information on the mechanism of well logging activities, source-to-drill installation activities, source storage systems and source transport systems. In the field, it is explained how the obstacles faced in the field can add insight from the drafting team to formulate better regulations and be able to apply later. [DP2FRZR/VZ/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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