Public Consultation on The Preparation of Bapeten Regulation on Licensing Of Risk-Based Business in the Nuclear Sector
Kembali 22 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The drafting of the Agency for Licensing of Risk-Based Business In the Nuclear Sector is a follow-up to the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 year 2021 on the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing. As the implementing regulation of the Government Regulation, the Draft Regulation of this Agency is targeted to be completed on 2 April 2021.

BAPETEN as a technical institution, responsible for the preparation of the regulation agency on nuclear energy sector, has formulated a draft in coordination with the Coordinating Ministry of Economy, National Standardization Agency (BSN) and Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). An important process in the preparation of regulations is stakeholder’s involvement conducted with public consultation activities.


After going through the drafting stage and internal, external discussions with ministries and institutions (K/L), finally on Monday (3/22/2021) a consultation with stakeholders was conducted online. This activity is an important stage in the preparation of legislation in which interested parties provide responses, inputs, criticisms and suggestions for the improvement of this draft. It is expected that with this process, the resulting regulations can be accepted and implemented (able to be applied) by businesses later.


This activities moderated by coordinator of Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Regulatory Function Aris Sanyoto, devoted to businesses in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive sources, both from industry, medical and research.

Aris said that consultations were conducted to get input from related parties, from the health and industrial fields, for the improvement of raperba (draft agency regulations) derived from PP No.5 year 2021.


Director of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulation (DP2FRZR) Djoko Hari Nugroho in his direction stated that with the issuance of the Omnibus Law, then as the implementing regulation has been issued also PP No.5 year 2021.

"As the implementation of the PP, each relevant Ministry and Institution prepares a Raperba / Rapermen on the determination of standards’ of business activities and products in the implementation of licensing efforts based on the risk of the nuclear sector" he said.

Further conveyed in the nuclear energy sector there are 4 subsectors, namely: utilization of ionizing radiation sources, installations and nuclear materials, mining of nuclear quarry materials and supporting subsectors. This Raperba covers the rules that have been implemented and some of already have the exist regulations.

Djoko also presented the Draft of Bapeten’s Regulation on the Determination of Standards of Business Activities and Products in the Implementation of Business Licensing Based on The Risk of The Nuclear Power Sector."Our participants hope to contribute and provide input on the draft that has been prepared" he said.


In this activity there are several questions from participants from the medical, industrial and research fields. More questions lead to the implementation of this Raperba later, especially with the implementation of the OSS (Online Single Submission) system. Participants also asked about the licensing requirements whether there will be changes or not especially regarding the requirements of PPR (Radiation Protection Officer).

Answering the question, Djoko stated that all documents will be processed through the OSS system and this Raperba only regulates licensing requirements in general. For safety requirements will refer to the Relevant Agency Regulation or Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation. This system will combine OSS system and Balis BAPETEN.

This event provides understanding to businesses to the activities that enter KBLI and non-KBLI as well as information on how to implement this Raperba. [DP2FRZR/Emma/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]




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