Public Consultation on Revision of Government Regulation (PP) No.2 of 2014 on Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Utilization of Nuclear Materials
Kembali 16 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Bandung has a long history in the development of nuclear technology. The Triga 2000 reactor, Indonesia's first nuclear reactor, is in Bandung and has been operating safely and securely since 1965. BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials held a Public Consultation on the drafting of The Revision of Government Regulation (PP) No. 2 of 2014 on Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Utilization of Nuclear Materials, in Bandung, Tuesday, 15 June 2021.

The event was opened by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, she conveying "this activity aims to gather input from stakeholders, on the revision of PP No. 2 of 2014 which will be replaced. Since its enactment in 2014 until now, there have been many developments in nuclear technology. And the dynamics of change, the licensing regime since the release of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Omnibus Law."



The event continued with presentation by the Professor of Parahyangan Catholic University, Faculty of Law Asep Warlan Yusuf, he said "The Omnibus Law demands an improvement in performance on licensing services that can provide convenience in the process, requirements, and completion from the management of attempted licensing".

On that occasion, Nuclear Supervision Expert Heryudo Kusumo stated "BAPETEN needs to consider changes in the licensing stage, with the opening from the possibility of a joint permit. The joint permit will make BAPETEN easier to conduct evaluation and supervision."

Furthermore, Professor of Bandung Institute of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Abdul Waris explained "the latest developments in nuclear reactors. An example is small modular reactors (SMRs) that are not assembled in the user country and do not operate on land, and for this BAPETEN must be prepared."

The Public Consultation was also attended by academics and students from Parahyangan Catholic University, and staff from Batan's Center for Applied Nuclear Technology as the operator of the Triga 2000 Reactor.


The event closed by Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials Haendra Subekti, he said "BAPETEN will consider all inputs from experts and stakeholders. Especially with the Omnibus Law, which only covers Business Licensing for business owner and does not reach non-business. Through this activity, many inputs were received by BAPETEN, both through presentations from speakers, and during QnA sessions. This will be an input material for BAPETEN". [DP2IBN/Manda/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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