Public Consultation on Drafting of Revised BAPETEN Regulation on Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Energy Sector
Kembali 28 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), held a public consultation activity on August 28, 2024, in Surakarta City, in order to draft Revised BAPETEN Regulation (Peraturan BAPETEN or Perba) No. 3 of 2021 on Business Activity and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Energy Sector.

This activity is one of the important processes in the preparation of laws and regulations, which aims to obtain input and/or responses to the draft laws and regulations that are being prepared so that with the implementation of public consultation activities, it is hoped that a final draft of laws and regulations can be prepared that is able to be implemented so that in the end it can guarantee safety and security in the use of nuclear energy.

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The activity started with a report on the implementation of public consultation activities by Aris Sanyoto as the Activity Manager of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Function Group. In his report, Aris said that this activity invited stakeholders, including from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN); universities; professional associations (APRONUKI, AFISMI, APRI, PARI, HIMNI, PDSRI); business actors from the industrial and medical sectors; importers/exporters; gauging companies; well logging companies; non-destructive testing companies (industrial radiography); irradiator companies; and Radiation Protection Officers (PPR). The activity, which was held in a hybrid manner, was attended by 48 offline participants and 100 online participants via the Zoom Meeting application and around 40 participants via the YouTube channel (DP2FRZR virtual event).

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Furthermore, remarks from the Head of the Surakarta City Health Office, dr. Retno Erawati Wulandari, conveyed that the revision of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 must, of course, be known together because it aims to provide security for both officers, patients, and the community around health service facilities. "Therefore, it must be really considered; don't let the equipment used not be standardized, not licensed, and so on," he said. Currently, the Ministry of Health is promoting health transformation, both transformation in primary services and transformation in referral services. The Ministry of Health, in the context of expanding Cancer, Heart, Stroke, and Urology (KJSU) services, will provide many medical devices related to nuclear energy throughout Indonesia.

Licensing for nuclear equipment has been included in the accreditation requirements and in the process of cooperation with the Social Security Agency (BPJS). The city of Solo has great potential for developing health services; currently there are 20 hospitals, and by the end of the year there will be 21 with the presence of a cardiology hospital. "Hopefully, this activity can bring benefits to all by providing input and proposals related to the revision of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 so that later it can be implemented and used as a guideline together," explained Retno.

Then continued with the opening by Haendra Subekti as Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment. He said that BAPETEN's task in supervision is to ensure welfare, security, peace, and safety. Nuclear energy has a characteristic that the use of sources from the beginning of production or import until it becomes waste must be controlled, and this must be traced from the importer to the disposal. Therefore, nuclear energy in business licensing is included in high risk, which means that a permit is required for its use. Current licensing provides the minimum requirements needed but does not leave out the safety aspect. For this reason, the revision of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 as the implementing Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 of 2021 should be observed. This public consultation is mandatory with full participation because this activity is a requirement for harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This good opportunity should be used to provide input and responses to regulations as an effort to improve business licensing in the nuclear energy sector according to standards and provisions.


The activity continued with the delivery of material on the Direction of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision Policy delivered by Mukhlisin as Director of DP2FRZR, Direction of Regulation of the Revision of Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing delivered by Aris Sanyoto as the Activity Manager of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Function Group, and Direction of Regulation of the Revision of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 on Business Activity Standards and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Energy Sector delivered by Nanang Triagung Edi Hermawan as the Middle-Level (Ahli Madya) Radiation Supervisor and Leader of the Drafting Team.

In the discussion session, the participants were enthusiastic in providing input on the draft regulations of this agency. In general, participants want better and clearer regulations, including regarding permits for individuals who have ionizing radiation sources, evaluators in the licensing process, ease of permit requirements, licensed institutions for radiotherapy output testing, dosimeter calibration, pre-licensing consultation mechanisms, financial guarantees, systematics and substance of radioactive waste management programs, the need for PPR and personnel competencies, return of waste to the country of origin, exemptions from permits for the use of ionizing radiation sources, implementation of grants, and the use of nuclear power in Special Economic Zones (KEK). [DP2FRZR/BHKK/GP]

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