Planning and Budgeting Have to be Well-Integrated
Kembali 01 Maret 2017 | Berita BAPETEN

Carrying the main theme as Enhancing the Management Performance in Supporting the Priority of The Institution in 2018, The 1st Working Meeting of BAPETEN in 2017 was conducted at Bogor, Monday (13/2/2017). The two-day working meeting was officially opened by Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, and attended by Echelon I, II, III, and several representatives of the independent working unit.

The working meeting was started by the report of the Head of Planning Bureau, Farid Arif Binaruno. In his report, Farid was emphasizing the importance of the working implementation and the 2017’s budget. The working implementation and the budget of 2017 correlated with the instruction of the president in the limited working meeting in economic sector that was also convened several days before at Bogor Presidential Palace.

In achieving the optimum development, the planning and budgeting have to be well integrated. Moreover, proposing the planned program earlier is also the key element of the optimum and efficient result of the program.

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Farid stated, our duty and obligation is to improve the institution performance management system. Our partner, for example, National Development Planning Agency, the ministry of finance, the ministry of research, technology, and higher education, and the house of representatives are hoping that in 2017, BAPETEN can contribute substantially further to the national development through the Program of Priority.”

“Active role of the participants is needed for the enhancement of the quality of the medium-term development program, to the World Class Nuclear Regulatory Agency,” added Farid.

Chairman of BAPETEN, in his welcoming speech, focused on several issues that related to the main task and function of BAPETEN as an institution. One of the issues was the use of radiology equipment that not meet the minimum safety standard.

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Regarding this issue, BAPETEN is implementing Radiology Patient Safety Protection Assurance and National Nuclear Safety Infrastructure Support. It this related to one of the Nawacita programs, strengthening the role of the state in protecting all of the citizens and providing security to all member of the nation.

The working meeting was aimed to prepare the performance evaluation preparation report and 2016 budget (accountability report and performance government institutions), stipulate performance agreement document, integrity pact of 2017, synergize the commitment priority activity 2017, and prepare the working program planning document, and budget in 2018.(bho/zd)




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