PENDORA Dose Coordination Meeting and Dosimetry Laboratory in 2022
Kembali 29 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DIIBN) of BAPETEN held another PENDORA Dose Coordination Meeting and Dosimetry Laboratory in 2022 which was opened by Lukman Hakim as Director of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials, Tuesday (29/11/2022), Lukman said that this activity is a technical meeting held annually between BAPETEN and the Dosimetry Laboratory and the results of this meeting will be an evaluation material for the development of the next PENDORA Balis.

"Hopefully this meeting will be a solution to solve the problems that still exist, especially related to the application of NIK in submitting applications for LHU through PENDORA, both for the Dosimetry Laboratory as a reporter and for BAPETEN as a dose evaluator where the suitability of worker data on the dose recorded in PENDORA is very important and becomes a parameter of worker safety which is BAPETEN's duty in supervising it," said Lukman.


In this coordination meeting, presentations were delivered from BAPETEN speakers, the first presentation was delivered by Nurlaela Ramdhani as Administrator of Balis PENDORA BAPETEN with the title PENDORA Evaluation in 2022. The second presentation was delivered by Toto Heryanto as the Dose and Environmental Evaluation Function Group Coordinator with the title Application of the NIK Input Obligation in Submitting LHU Evaluation through Balis PENDORA.

The event was attended by 11 participants representing Dosimetry Laboratories that have received appointment from BAPETEN and also attended by participants from internal BAPETEN related to Balis PENDORA such as the Bureau of Law Cooperation and Public Communication, Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances, Data and Information Function Group, Legal Function Group and Directorate of Nuclear Engineering and Preparedness.


In the discussion or question and answer session moderated by Toto Heryanto, several questions were raised by representatives of the Dosimetry Laboratory, which were then followed by answers and conclusions.

The event was closed by Lukman Hakim while emphasizing the obligation to apply the Population Identification Number (NIK) in the submission of LHU evaluation in the PENDORA BAPETEN system. (DIIBN/Nurlaela/BHKK/Bams).

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