Online Licensing and Law Enforcement Talkshow on KBR Radio
Kembali 18 September 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to provide public education to the public about Bapeten's duties and functions, especially related to online licensing and Law enforcement on nuclear , Friday (18/9) Bapeten’s Talkshow was held on KBR Radio with Head of Law, Cooperation and Public Communication (BHKK) Indra Gunawan and Licensing Coordinator of Research and Industrial Facilities Wita Kustiana.

KBR radio was chosen because it has a wide relay network to all listeners in Indonesia through its regional radio broadcast network. So it is expected that this talkshow effectively reaches the wider community.


This talkshow was broadcasted in Public Sphere program at 09.00 to 10.00 WIB and online hosted by KBR host Rizal Wijaya. At the beginning of the talkshow Rizal explained about the increasing utilization of nuclear power, no longer only for military purposes but has shifted to positive goals in the fields of industry, health and research. The use of nuclear power is positively directed to improve the welfare and prosperity of the people and to educate the nation's life and improve the quality of Human Resources (SDM).


But in addition to providing benefits, nuclear technology can also pose a danger if not utilized in accordance with safety regulations, so it is necessary to be supervised by government, in this case carried out by the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (Bapeten).


This talk show consisting of 4 segments, Indra and Wita took turns answering Rizal's questions according to their respective fields. Answering questions related to law enforcement that has been done by Bapeten, Indra replied that law enforcement is a last resort after the education and coaching process is done to users.

"But that doesn’t mean Bapeten weak to handle cases of violations of nuclear law, because it is proven, up today there have been 36 cases processed by law, 21 of which have been inkracht" explained Indra.


Regarding the online licensing conducted by Bapeten, Wita explained that the online system is very useful at this pandemic time. Bapeten actually has been quite a long time use online system services, since carried out in 2016, namely B@lis 2.0., the process itself has actually been pioneered since 2010.

"Before online, users have to submit a hardcopy of permission requirements by post or come directly to the Bapeten licensing counter. Now with the online system users can submit directly the requirements file within 24 hours for 7 days a week" he said.


"This is obviously very effective and facilitates the service for Bapeten’s licensee. And Bapeten licensing services are already integrated with the Online Single Submission System so there is no doubt the accountability" said Wita added.

Many questions came from KBR listeners throughout Indonesia, both through Whats App and direct telephone, among them are coming from East Sumba and North Sulawesi. They positively assessed the existence of this talkshow and hope more often held, because many people are still lay about nuclear, both its benefits and the risk of harm. (BHKK/Bams)

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