Nuclear Safety Seminar 2020
Kembali 26 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Safety Seminar (SKN) 2020 is the result of cooperation between the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) and the University of Indonesia (UI). SKN is designed as a mean to enrich knowledge, exchange of information and experience among nuclear supervisors, users, experts and observers.

The event was preceded by the report of SKN Committee Chairman Yudi Pramono who reported, "SKN year 2020 held in cooperation with UI andBAPETEN was attended by 397 participants from various government agencies, universities, observers and professional associations that are stakeholders spread in Indonesia. In addition to a series of international conferences organized by UI and also a series of Haktenas XXV, this year's SKN is the starting point of nuclear safety seminars in the international format, and it is expected that the quality continues to improve in the future. This SKN is pleased to present the guest of honor of the seminar, Minister of Research and Technology / Chairmanof BRIN, Chairman of BAPETEN, and guest of IAEA and UI, as well as presenters of papers."

“From the 92 papers entered, 62 papers were selected with 36 papers presented orally and 26 papers presented in short presentations. The quantity of names of speakers increased by about 19% compared to previous seminars."


In his speech, UI Rector Ari Kuncoro said "From this seminar, which was held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is expected that there will be an increase in the sharing of science and technology, especially in the field of supervision of the utilization of nuclear power.Furthermore, it can be further processed, among by:

1. Human resource development in the field of nuclear energy supervision,

2. Utilization of experts owned by UI and BAPETEN,

3. Utilization of the results of studies / studies that support the supervision of nuclear energy

The event was officially opened by Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, he said, "This year, SKN 2020 was held online to avoid unwanted viral infections among the participants. This year's seminar was virtually held in conjunction with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) University of Indonesia. Improving better than in previous years, all papers are written in English as a first step towards international conferences and international proceedings.This year, about 10 (ten) of the best papers will be selected for publication in the international proceedings of AIP (American Institute of Physics)."

It was long predicted before the pandemic that information technology (IT) would change the patterns or lifestyles and workings of modern society. The pandemic has even accelerated the use of IT in various sectors of people's lives.SKN is certainly not only about safety, but also about security. In the time of covid, if the internet network and power outages, then we can’t do seminar online” he said.


SKN 2020 carries the theme "Innovations to Support Nuclear Safety and Security for Advanced Human Resources and Excellent Indonesia".BAPETEN's cooperation with UI has a very important role in terms of science and technology development and human resources provision, especially in supporting the supervision of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia.

On that occasion, the Minister of Research and Technology / Chairman of National Agency for Research and Innovation Bambang P.S Brodjonegoro said "BAPETEN under the coordination of Ministry of Research and Technology/ BRIN declared a Clearance Status Statement, at Batan Indah.Our strength in the nuclear sector is quite a lot, among produced by Batanas rice and others. What is lacking is the opportunity for researchers to innovate in order to connect with the industry, so that research results not just become prototypes. And we will soon build the innovation of the national nuclear security system into a national research program.It is hoped that BAPETEN will continue to play a role, both at the national and international levels. "



The event was held on 26 October 2020 virtually with presentations "Implementing Radiation Safety Standards in Medicine during Normal Times as well as during The COVID-19 Pandemic" from representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Ola Holmberg and presentation on "The Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic on Nuclear Surveillance Activities by BAPETEN" by the Chairman of BAPETEN, and a presentation on "Science and Technology Globalization (Thought and Reflection)" by Professor of FMIPA-UIDjarwani S. Soeyoko.

A press conference was also held with journalists virtually guided by the Headof the Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau, among things stated about the supervision of the use of nuclear energy both for energy and other fields was answered directly by Chairman of BAPETEN and the Deputy Chancellor of UI.

BAPETEN as a regulator, routinely holds Nuclear Safety Seminars, to provide protection for the community, workers and the environment with the principles of safety, security and safeguards.Hopefully, this activity can foster a culture of safety and security in the use of nuclear energy.[BHKKP / SP/RA/OR].





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