National Workshop on Expert Support for the Assessment of Alarms and Alerts for Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials out of Regulatory Control (MORC)
Kembali 22 Februari 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The use of nuclear power in Indonesia is not only nuclear reactors, but also in health and industrial sectors. Supervision must be carried out because every technology has risks. To improve national nuclear security capabilities, BAPETEN in collaboration with the IAEA held a “National Workshop on Expert Support for the Assessment of Alarms and Alerts for Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials out of Regulatory Control (MORC)”.

The event began with report from the Head of Education and Training Center (BDL)-BAPETEN Lukman Hakim. "The workshop aims to address the main challenges in assessing the warning and alarm information, determine the validity of information, and provide the basis for the initiation of a timely, reliable and balanced response," report Lukman.



“This workshop is the third activity organized by BDL this year. The workshop which will take place on 22-26 February 2021 will be held virtually and attended by 35 participants from 5 different authorities, namely 25 people from BAPETEN, 3 people from the Marine Security Agency, 3 people from KBR Gegana Polri (Police for cases related to Terrorism and Chemical-Biology-Radioactive), 3 people from the BP-BATAM Economic Zone, and 1 person from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.”

The event was opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto. In his opening remarks, Jazi said "This workshop shows BAPETEN's main commitment to further strengthen the security of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials. This is to assure the public that BAPETEN has fulfilled the objectives of national nuclear security, namely to protect workers, society, and the environment.”

“In terms of nuclear resilience, Indonesia's geographical condition, which has a very large area with thousands of islands, is very big challenge. In this workshop, we will learn a lot from nuclear security experts from the IAEA,” he added.

"This event is a good opportunity to exchange experiences in the detection and response of radioactive materials, and hopefully can provide good results for improving the quality of detection and response in our country," he concluded.



The event continued with remarks from IAEA representative Thierry Pelletier, who said that the workshop would emphasize stakeholder challenges in various situations, such as assessing alarm information, determining alarm validity, and initiating timely and accurate responses. Hopefully, this event can provide significant improvements, can be useful, add knowledge and value to participating agencies. Even though it was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, hopefully in the future we can meet offline”.

This workshop will be guided by 9 experts from the IAEA and several countries, which aims to provide an overview of information and guidelines such as Overview of Nuclear Security for MORC, Introduction to Nuclear Security Detection Architecture (NSDA), Expert Support as a Cross Cutting Element in Nuclear, Security Detection Architecture, Alarm Adjudication, Case Study Nuclear Security Event, Expert Support for Major Public Events (MPE). [BHKK/SP/IP/RA]












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