National Movement Conscious of Archive Order in BAPETEN
Kembali 02 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on the ANRI’s Regulation No 7 of 2017 concerning the National Movement of Conscious Orderly Archives (GNSTA), BAPETEN proclaimed GNSTA in BAPETEN environment. The event was held virtually, on Tuesday, 3 August 2021.

The event was initiated by the Head of Bureau of Organization and General Services Dedik Eko Sumargo, he said "this meeting has been designed with full awareness as a strategic step to succeed GNSTA. In the implementation, we have conducted internal supervision for auditing and archiving monitoring."



"On this occasion, I wish all colleagues who have provided support, good coordination so that this implementation activity can run well. External supervision has been carried out continuously by ANRI. The results of the assessment there is a positive tendency in performance and iteration in this archival program. The achievement of the value of external audits conducted by ANRI, BAPETEN in 2017 reached 61.19, in 2019 83.03 and in 2020 achieved AA: 90.62. You certainly can't be complacent about what you're achieving. Therefore, it becomes an inevitability that the establishment of our GNSTA is intended as a landmark going forward, Bapeten is modern, reliable, which is able to provide functions, both under normal conditions and emergencies. Archives are always available and archival is always maintained sustainably as proclaimed by ANRI."



The event was opened by The Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto, he was delivered "with the guidance of ANRI later BAPETEN archives are expected to be neat, smooth, orderly in supporting GNSTA. Currently, BAPETEN has undergone digital transformation. We express our gratitude for the presence of the Chairman of ANRI and Deputy Chairman for Archiving Development. This needs to be captured by BAPETEN and needs to be clarified, this is not just something simple, so all BAPETEN Leaders and employees are aware of the importance of maintaining the institution's archives as the nation's collective memory. Hopes with the Establishment of GNSTA in BAPETEN Environment:

1. All BAPETEN leaders and employees are aware of the importance of maintaining the institution's archives as the nation's collective memory;

2. The archive is us!

3. "Highly Satisfying AA" from ANRI must be maintained and improved;

4. JF Archivist BAPETEN is encouraged to always improve competence and insight.

5. Information Systems/Technology as the main tool of archival;

6. Close coordination and communication with ANRI”

The speech was continued by the Chairman of ANRI Imam Gunarto, he was conveyed "I am very happy with the theme "BAPETEN Ready to Save the State Archives" a very contextual theme today." where we are in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of the situation of ICT development that disrupts us, so the term double disruption. We are like stuttering in the face of the archives, because we look from the archival sector, how changes we cannot also with 2 things that affect the style of information technology development and pandemics. While we are still struggling with deep archiving activities, our products are still analogous, we must force ourselves to work digitally."



The event was attended by all BAPETEN Leaders, continued with the Signing of the GNSTA by the Head and High Officers of BAPETEN was virtually witnessed by the Chairman of ANRI.


On that occasion, there was also a presentation about "Permanent / Static Archive Management Policy at the Ministry / Institution by Deputy Chairman for Archival Development ANRI Sumrahyadi Soemedi. [BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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