Monitoring and Technical Guidance for Government Hospitals Receiving Special Allocation Fund (DAK) 2023 from the Ministry of Health RI
Kembali 23 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to increase the ease and acceleration of business licensing services related to Radiotherapy Facility Licensing Services, especially for Government Hospitals (RSUP / RSUD) Receiving Special Allocation Funds (DAK) for Fiscal Year 2023, the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials of BAPETEN held a Coordination Meeting to discuss several matters related to obstacles in fulfilling the BAPETEN licensing process and technical guidance on Radiotherapy licensing for DAK recipient hospitals was held in a hybrid in Jakarta, on April 23, 2024.

The Coordination Meeting was attended by the Director of Referral Health Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Yuliastuti Saripawan, Chairman of the Indonesian Radiation Oncology Specialist Association (PORI) Gregorius Ben Prajogi, Chairman of the Indonesian Medical Physicist Alliance, represented by Wahyu Edi Wibowo and 20 Government Hospitals with Radiotherapy Facilities receiving DAK. While from BAPETEN, it was attended by Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Director of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) Mukhlisin, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) Ishak and several Radiation Supervisors.

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The event was opened by Zainal Arifin, in his opening remarks said "I heard that licensing has not been smooth, we have tried to facilitate all those who experience obstacles in the radiotherapy licensing process of DAK recipient hospitals. This activity was held to accelerate licensing so that government funds that have been disbursed can be used properly and BAPETEN has initiated a meeting so that the use of nuclear is safe to maintain safety and security."

In addition, remarks were also delivered from Yuliastuti Saripawan, who said "Thank you to BAPETEN for supporting the Ministry of Health as an allocation of tools in the context of health development in Indonesia. There is still homework that the permit must run, where after the BAPETEN permit is issued and there is also BPJS and the commitment of the service provider in the hospital. We open the tap as much as possible for obstacles and problems that we will facilitate handling. Communication constraints between technical implementers and Directors or hospital management should be communicated regarding further budget needs, as well as the provision of human resources. The Ministry of Health will support with communication to related parties."

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On that occasion Isaac Ishak gave a response, which said "To support the government's enthusiasm in advancing health, let us together contribute according to their respective levels in ensuring the provision of services to the community, according to standards by looking at safety aspects, so that patients and the community get the best service."

The event continued with the delivery of presentation materials on "Expansion of Radiotherapy Services through DAK 2023" by Yuliastuti Saripawan, presentation on "Strategies for Fulfilling Radiation Oncology HR Needs" by Ben Prajogi and presentation on "Fulfillment of Radiotherapy Specialist Medical Physicists in the Ministry of Health's Health Transformation Project 2023" by Wahyu Edi Wibowo.


While presentations from BAPETEN, namely on "Perba 3 Year 2021 for Radiotherapy Facility License" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Vatimah Zahrawati; presentation on "Licensing Process Mechanism for LINAC and Brachytherapy Radiotherapy Operation License" by Coordinator of BAPETEN Health Facility Licensing Function Group Iin Indartati, presentation on "Acceptance Criteria for Radiotherapy Licensing Document Requirements: Radiation Protection and Safety Program Document, Program Document.

Radioactive Substance Safety and Treatment Program Documents" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Herry Irawan,presentation on "Acceptance Criteria for Radiotherapy Licensing Document Requirements: Decommissioning Program Document, Commissioning Program Implementation Report, Proof of SRP Ownership and/or Control, Competency Data and Officer Authority" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Ahmad Maulana and presentation on "Acceptance Criteria for Radiotherapy Licensing Document Requirements: Management System, Safety Assessment and Security Assessment" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Made Pramayuni.


The event continued with discussion and questions and answers, in the discussion discussed many obstacles faced in fulfilling licensing requirements, fulfillment of human resources and equipment training, calibration of radiotherapy activity output, and procurement of supporting equipment.

The Coordination Meeting was closed by Ishak, in his closing remarks said "The participants of the coordination meeting have received comprehensive information related to government programs implemented by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, and how the efforts of professional organizations such as PORI and AFISMI in ensuring the availability of medical personnel, namely Radiation Oncology Specialists and Medical Physicists, as well as regulatory policies from BAPETEN and information on the criteria for acceptance of licensing requirements. Hopefully, this information can provide an overview in preparing all documents for radiotherapy facility operating license activities." [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/SP]

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